Tips for saving money are all over the internet. Though there are many great ideas for saving on purchases, it takes work. Getting steep discounts on high ticket items you’re planning to buy involves research. Even getting the best price for needed supplies a regular basis can be a job all its own. There’s comparison shopping, keeping track of when sales happen and possibly lining up promo codes or coupons to stack even more savings. Though you can do it on your own, it can be time-consuming and tedious.
Here are some easy ways to save money when purchasing items for your business.
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Toggle1. Catch the savings when you can.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who has left a store and then cringed a bit after seeing a lower price in another store afterward. Though I don’t have buyers remorse, I’m remorseful that I can’t always get the best deal on a regular basis.
Trying to get the lowest price on every product you buy can be like chasing the wind. No one wants to feel like they could have purchased something cheaper elsewhere. Some tips for saving money aren’t a perfect fit for everyone. If you’re not much of a planner or have to buy things with little notice, it can be hard to get the best deal without some research. There’s help for those of us who shop this way.
Walmart tends to have lower prices by default but, you never know if an item can be cheaper elsewhere unless you check. If you don’t have time to comparison shop and tend to rely on a store like Walmart as your go-to place, this can work to your wallet’s advantage.
Their Savings Catcher app allows you to scan the barcode on your Walmart receipt. It looks for lower prices on the items you bought from competitors. Walmart will give you the difference if another store offers a lower price. All you have to do is sign up by downloading the app or by filling out information at Just be sure to enter the information within seven days of purchasing it.
2. Look at price comparison tools and apps.
Comparison shopping can work to your advantage. If you don’t want to crunch numbers or make a table to compare the best deals, use a free tool like Priceblink to do it for you. This tool can automatically do the searching for you. If you have some time to wait for a better price, Priceblink even has a price alerts option that can notify you when an item you want goes on sale. It can also make you aware of free shipping and discount codes.
Google Play also offers both Shop Mania and Quick Scan. Shop Mania is a tool that allows you to compare prices with your country. Find the best price using a barcode scanner with Quick Scan. It pulls up prices from thousands of stores both local and online.
3. Pre-owned items may work better for your budget.
Many articles will include tips for saving money on new products. While useful, we often forget that we can purchase previously owned items for much less. Search on or use their app to pull up prices on auction sites such as Amazon, eBay, and
You can search by the exact make and model of a product. You can also use more general terms to see what’s out there for items like printers, laptops and all sorts of essential equipment and supplies. Let the app send out a search party, so you see a full range of options before choosing.
See what products are out there and what their price points are. This app does the heavy lifting when it comes to finding what you’re looking for by pulling up prices from these sites. Shopping on this site can be a quick way to get needed equipment, supplies or essentials to keep your business running smoothly.
The Bottom Line
There are many tips for saving money on need items for your business. We all want to shop as economically as we can without spending a lot of time doing so. Try the ideas mentioned above and see what works. You can cut costs and potentially free up time to do more important things. Maybe you can expand your customer base by setting up credit card process or search for ways to find low-cost publicity for your business.