“Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none.”
– Richard M. DeVos
Often, it’s the wealthiest individuals in the world who can offer a specific insight into how society views the real worth of money. Richard DeVos, cofounder of Amway and owner of the NBA’s Orlando Magic, certainly has amassed enough wealth to last him several lifetimes.
However, after two heart-bypass surgeries and a heart transplant operation between the ‘80s and late ‘90s, he’s learned enough to place all his value on just the one life that he’s living. There’s a lot that money can do, but just as much that money can’t, like, as DeVos named, healing relationships, or building meaning into a life.
Instead, one should take this lesson to create value in the intangible and priceless things that we all experience: love, hope, peace, dreams, and meaning.
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