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How To Sell a High Ticket Offer Before It Actually Exists


In a recent article, I mentioned how I recently made a huge sales mistake by not offering pre-sale pricing for a high ticket offer I’m debuting later in the summer. The good news is I learned my lesson and sold half of the available seats even before actually starting a launch period.

In this article, I’m outlining how I’ve been able to sell so many seats before publicly announcing the high ticket offer.  The best part is that you can start implementing some of these strategies right away!

Strategy #1: Build a brand.

It’s easier to sell a high ticket offer before it actually exists if you have a brand and a reputation. The more people know of you, the easier it is to sell stuff. Period.

That’s why it’s so important that business owners not only do client work, but also work on creating a brand for themselves. While this takes time, it makes things far easier once you reach a tipping point. All the program seats that are unavailable is a direct result of having a solid brand behind my name.

That being said, I didn’t always have a brand or a good reputation. In fact, I started in the same place as everyone else having no reputation whatsoever. I had to stick my neck out and sell even as I was building my brand to what it is today, and so will you.

Strategy #2: Stay top of mind.

I email my list almost every single day. The best part is none of these emails have anything to do with my high ticket offer. It wasn’t even until last week when I made mention of it.

If you don’t email your list often, or if you let it go cold entirely, you can start setting the stage for selling a high ticket offer by staying top of mind. I send emails about anything – from what I hear at an event to how I ended up in my apartment – with the intention of always being in their inbox.

The key is to always make sure there’s a call to action at the end. Since I’m selling a high ticket offer – and since I’m personally vetting each person – my call to action is to book a consultation with me.

Strategy #3: Offer early bird pricing.

I’m selling this program a month before its debut. As a result, I offer early bird pricing for a select group of individuals. Not only that, but the early bird pricing has a cut off date.

Offering early bird pricing does a few things to ease sales.  First, it makes the prospect feel special.  Second, the cut off for early bird pricing allows for scarcity to set in.  People are more likely to act if they know they will lose out on something.

Strategy #4: Make it easy for people to pay you.

The last strategy I’ve used to sell my high ticket offer before publicly announcing it is to make it easy for people to pay you. Heck, I’d even say to go out of your way to make it easy for people to pay you.

I offer multiple payment methods via my shopping cart for the program. Additionally, when a client requested a specific payment that wasn’t available, I did everything I could to find a way to make it available.

Bonus Strategy: Set expectations.

Since I’m selling this program before it’s debut, I set the expectations clearly. I let people know they are being added to a Facebook group that is to be populated in the coming weeks. I also let them know they will be receiving pre-work and further communication from me before the official start of the program.

This strategy, as well as the others mentioned, make it easier for me to sell a high ticket offer that technically doesn’t exist yet. The best part is I can now use the fact that we’ve sold half the available seats as a marketing strategy to make even more sales.

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Millennial Finance Expert and Writer
Amanda Abella is a Millennial Finance Expert that helps people understand their finances and eliminate all bad debt. She wrote a book, Make Money Your Honey. It is a powerful guide on how to have a better relationship with work and money. You can actually start building an extremely profitable business around the things you’re passionate about.

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