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Blog » Business Tips » 4 Email Marketing Features You’re Not Using (But Should)

4 Email Marketing Features You’re Not Using (But Should)

email marketing tips

Do you have an email list? If you do, odds are you’re using an email marketing system to send newsletters and other messages out. Did you know that you’re probably paying for a ton of helpful email marketing features that could boost your business?

Even if you’re using a free email service provider like MailChimp, there are probably still some helpful features you’re looking over. Here are a few email marketing features you want to start using (if you haven’t already).

Segments and Tag

Segmenting your list is an important tool that can be used for email marketing. Even if you’ve niched down your business, there will still be people who are more interested in certain topics.

Create different segments for your lists by offering 2-3 different email freebies that encourage people to sign up. You can also segment your list by creating tags that group some subscribers together. An example of this could include setting up a welcome email that can automatically be sent to anyone who subscribes.

Provide them with a link or instructions to get their freebie in this email. Then, ask they a few questions about their current needs and interests. Prompt subscribers to click on a link/phrase that describes theirs needs best then tag them into a category based on which one they click. I often ask my subscribers if they’re at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced stage when it comes to managing their money.

Having segments lets you know who to send certain newsletters and information to so each subscriber will feel more like they’re getting value out of your emails.

Automations and Sequences

One of the best email marketing features you may be missing out on is automation. Realize that you can send your email list several automated messages and sequences to help gain their trust quicker and be able to market to them.

I like to send a series of emails whenever someone first signs up so I can give them a lot of good info and resources upfront. Another way to use automations or sequences is to announce new products or services. That way, you’re not stuck doing all your email marketing work in real-time.

Landing Pages

Don’t just create sign-up forms to attract new subscribers. Also, consider using and landing page templates your email service provider offers. If you’re promoting a webinar or unique product, you can create a landing page to better attract new sign-ups.

Basic landing page features should be included in your features so why not use this to your advantage?


Your marketing email service provider likely integrates with other programs and services. Integrations are tricky for me because I’m not very technically savvy but that’s what customer service is for. If you want to take your automation to the next level, tax people who buy your products from another platform like (SamCart or Teachable), see if you can use the integrations that are already built into your plan.

If you’re not sure how to get started, see if you can find technical support tutorials or submit a support ticket. Trust me, it’s worth it. This could help you save time and money in your business.


Effective email marketing can be one of the most powerful tools in your business. Make sure you’re using all the email marketing features available to you especially if you’re paying for them. Sometimes it’s worth it to go through tutorials and engage in any training or resources your emails service provider offers when you sign up. That way, you can ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Lastly, make sure that when you do email your customers, everything is in line with the CAN-SPAM Act.

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Debt Expert and Financial Writer
Choncé Maddox is a debt expert. She helps ambitious millennials and Generation Z get our of the mounds of debt they are in following college. In 2015 she realized she couldn’t afford to do her own laundry, she was so broke. She had to make a change. Over the next three years she personally tackled $50,000 in debt and became debt free. She teaches others her passion since.

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