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Discover Funny Ways to Save Money

Productive Things to Do When You Have No Money

Saving money is a serious matter. Fortunately, this doesn’t always have to be the case. You can actually save money in a lot of funny ways. With everything from simple tips and tricks to hilarious challenges, you’re sure to find something for yourself.

In the words of journalist Joe Moore, “A simple fact that is hard to learn is that the time to save money is when you have some.” As such, here are some of the best ways to discover ways to save money.

1. Adopt a pet rock.

There’s nothing wrong with owning dogs and cats, but they come at a price. In fact, cats tend to cost around $1,200 per year on average, while dogs typically cost around $1,400.

Instead, it is much more economical to keep a pet rock instead. Seriously. If you did this, you would save money on food, treats, toys, and any vet bills you might incur.

In contrast, rocks don’t require food or water. They are truly the perfect and cheapest companions.

2. Break the record for the fastest shower in history.

You can save money in a fun way by taking the fastest shower ever. In case you’re curious, the current world record is 33.18 seconds. By taking a shower in less than 33 seconds, you will be able to save water.

Overall, this could be fun to challenge yourself every day to beat the world record. However, if you wish to qualify, you must fully bathe in the shower.

3. Recycle your grey water.

Water that has been used other than for drinking or cooking is called gray water. It can be used to flush toilets, water gardens, and wash cars without using fresh water.

But, please, do not use it for cooking. That’s just gross and probably a health hazard.

4. Flush less often.

More flushes mean more water and energy wasted. In fact, most people flush five times a day, resulting in an annual cost of between $18.25 and $87.60.

The following saying can assist you in determining when you should flush and when you shouldn’t:

If it’s yellow, let it mellow. If it’s brown, flush it down.

You probably find that disgusting. Besides saving a little money, you’ll also be doing your part for the environment. It doesn’t matter whether you have to pay a bill for water, it’s a precious resource.

5. Do your own hair and nails.

Learn how to cut your own hair at home instead of going to a salon or barbershop. You can find plenty of online tutorials to help you along the way.

In the long run, it can save you a lot of money even if the results aren’t as polished as a professional’s work — which some might find humorous. Additionally, it can be a creative and fun activity.

6. Go to bed earlier.

Want to save money on your electricity bill? Well, one obvious way is to go to bed when it’s dark.

Rather than turning on every single light in your home when it gets dark, just go to sleep, and you’ll save money. As well as lowering your bills, you’ll feel fresh and awake the next day.

However, as Amy Dacyczyn warns in The Complete Tightwad Gazette, “It is not economical to go to bed early to save candles if the results are twins.”

7. Pose as an older person.

There are many restaurants and stores that offer a senior citizen discount. To take advantage of these discounts, make your face look older by dressing up as a senior citizen and using wrinkle stipple. As well as speaking gravelly, walk slowly and bend over slightly

When you dress as a senior citizen, you can save money and have fun pretending to be someone else. However, if this doesn’t align with your values, there are also discounts for college students, military personnel, and healthcare workers.

8. Don’t die.

One way to save money is to avoid dying, as funerals can be quite costly. For a funeral that includes viewing and burial, the national median cost is $7,848. Obviously, this is a joke. We can’t avoid death for financial reasons, because it is inevitable.

Is there an underlying message? Don’t ignore cost-effective end-of-life options, such as cremation or body donation.

9. Cut back on the TP.

When you’re on a tight budget, toilet paper can be an expensive item to purchase if you’re serious about saving money.

As a green alternative to toilet paper, many eco-conscious people use ‘family clothes’. As a family cloth, you could reuse old towels and clothing scraps.

It is also possible to buy 2-ply paper and pull it apart to make 1-ply paper. You could also cut the roll in half.

My personal preference, though, is using a bidet. A typical person spends $60 to $90 a year on toilet paper. By using a bidet, you can save $45 to $67.50 if you cut out 75% of your TP usage.

10. Refill your condiments with packets from fast-food restaurants.

Fast-food joints always give you a bunch of extra condiments like ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and hot sauce. Rather than throwing them away, open them up and pour them into your home’s bottled condiments.

I also keep a jar of packets filled with various other sauces, like soy sauce, in my kitchen. I honestly can’t tell you the last time I bought condiments at the store.

11. Take advantage of job fairs to get freebies.

Job fairs are a great place to collect company marketing freebies, which will save you money. Pens, notebooks, candy, and even toys like frisbees and balls are handed out by companies. Make sure you take along a large bag if you are going to a job fair.

Who knows? You may even find a new, higher-paying job. To avoid getting irritated by the companies, bring resumes to hand out to them and show interest in them.

12. Start a “swear jar.”

Basically, a swear jar is a list of words or phrases you don’t wish to say, or that you would like someone else not to say. You drop a coin in a jar every time you slip out one of those words.

13. Turn off your engine if the light is red.

This probably sounds like a prank — especially to the people behind you. When the car is properly warmed up, however, turning off at a red light saves fuel.

14. Avoid playing ‘The Grocery Store Hunger Games.’

You should never go grocery shopping when you are hungry. Despite being humorous, this tip is practical. It’s easy to overbuy groceries when hungry, and you end up with a cart full of items you don’t need. Therefore, I suggest that you eat a meal or snack before shopping.

15. Don’t cancel your gym membership.

Having a hard time going to the gym? Well, would you be more motivated if hitting the gym saved you money?

Those with gym memberships can take a shower after their workout. In addition to getting in a good workout, which also can improve your finances, you’re also saving money on utility bills.

16. Get a pet piggy bank.

Put all of your spare change in the piggy bank, and once it’s full, smash it open and count your coins. It’s a fun and satisfying way to track how much money you have saved.

17. Old pants? Sounds like a new pair of shorts.

Wheter they no longer fit or are just worn, turn your pants into a new pair of shorts by carefully cutting around the knee area. This even works for jeans. Jorts, after all, are back in style!

But, why stop there? You can repurpose old pants and shirts into rags, pillowcases, scrunchies, or lunch bags.

18. Partake in “The Penny Pincher Olympics.”

Organize the Penny Pincher Olympics with your friends or family to make saving money fun. Challenge your team to find the most creative and outrageous ways to save money.

Some examples could include:

  • How to find the cheapest groceries.
  • Keeping an eye out for discounts and deals.
  • Finding unconventional ways to save money.

Medals and prizes can even be awarded to the winners, making the event more competitive and entertaining. Do not take this too seriously, because the goal is to save money and have fun.

19. Take a “vacation” at Christmas to save money on gifts.

This might sound like something Scrooge would have done. But, stick with me hear out.

Let everyone know you will be away over the holidays. Upon your “return,” you’ll exchange gifts. Once Christmas is over, take advantage of the after-Christmas sales to buy all your gifts for far less money.

20. Negotiate prices.

There is no denying that negotiations can be long, exhausting, and stressful. Some people, however, enjoy it. And, it’s easy to see why.

So, don’t be afraid to negotiate everything, from the cable bill to the car payment. If you’re a loyal customer, many companies are willing to negotiate. If you deserve a raise from your employer, you can negotiate it with them.

You can negotiate a lower rate by calling the company and asking for it. Whenever you feel you are not getting what you want, remain polite and persistent.

21. Name your money.

Give your money a funny name, like “Mr. Moneybags” or “Ms. Penny Pincher.” Why? A name gives it a purpose, designation, and will make it less likely for you to spend it on anything else. Plus, by doing this, you can make saving money more enjoyable and stay motivated.

[Related: Saving $10,000 in Six Months: A Step-By-Step Guide]


How can I make saving money more fun?

To make saving money more fun, here are some tips:

  • Make it a game. By challenging yourself to meet certain savings goals, or by competing with family and friends, you can make saving money a game.
  • Reward yourself. When you reach your savings goal, reward yourself with something you’ve been wanting. As a result, you will be motivated to continue saving.
  • Make it visual. Keeping track of your savings over time can be done by creating a tracker or chart. By doing this, you can stay on track and motivated.
  • Get creative. It’s up to you to find ways to save money, so don’t limit yourself. Get creative and make it work for you. As an example, you can start a side business to earn extra income or reduce your expenses.

What are some of the benefits of saving money?

There are many benefits to saving money, including:

  • Financial security. In the event of a job loss or a medical emergency, having a savings cushion can help you weather the financial storm.
  • Financial freedom. If you save money, you can achieve financial goals such as owning a home, retiring early, or starting your own business.
  • Reduced stress. Financial anxiety and stress can be reduced when you know you have money saved up.
  • A better future. It is possible to create a better future for yourself and your family by saving money.

What are some tips for sticking to your savings goals?

You can stick to your savings goals by following these tips:

  • Make a budget and track your spending. As a result, you will be able to see where your money is going and ensure that you remain on track with your saving goals
  • Set realistic savings goals. Save small amounts each month, rather than trying to save lots of money all at once. You can achieve your goals by starting small and working your way up.
  • Automate your savings. Every month, set up a recurring transfer from your checking account to your savings account. As a result, you’ll save money without having to think about it.
  • Pay yourself first. Before you pay any bills or other expenses, put a portion of your pay into savings.
  • Don’t touch your savings unless it’s an emergency. If you have saved money, do not spend it unless you absolutely have to. As a result, you will be able to reach your savings goals in a shorter amount of time.

How much money should I be saving?

Individual circumstances and financial goals will determine how much you should be saving. In general, however, it is advisable to save 20% of your income each year. It’s the 50/30/20 rule, which says you should:

  • Spend 50% on necessities like housing, groceries, and gas
  • Budget 30% on wants
  • Put 20% aside for savings and investments

It’s OK to save more if you have a high income and can spend 70% or less of it every month. Saving this way can help you pay for major life purchases or start saving early for retirement.

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CEO at Due
John Rampton is an entrepreneur and connector. When he was 23 years old, while attending the University of Utah, he was hurt in a construction accident. His leg was snapped in half. He was told by 13 doctors he would never walk again. Over the next 12 months, he had several surgeries, stem cell injections and learned how to walk again. During this time, he studied and mastered how to make money work for you, not against you. He has since taught thousands through books, courses and written over 5000 articles online about finance, entrepreneurship and productivity. He has been recognized as the Top Online Influencers in the World by Entrepreneur Magazine and Finance Expert by Time. He is the Founder and CEO of Due.

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