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Author: Laura Levine


  • Appointed to the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Literacy by by President George W. Bush
  • From 1999-2004, Laura was Director of the NASDAQ Educational Foundation
  • Laura served as Director of Editorial Services for the National Association of Securities Dealers (now FINRA)
  • CNBC Financial Wellness Council
  • 37+ years of experience in the financial services industry

About Laura Levine

Laura L. Levine is President and CEO of Jump$tart and has led the organization since 2004. Levine is Jump$tart’s principal spokesperson and chief strategist.


Anne is a graduate of the University of Michigan with more than 37 years of experience in the financial services industry, starting in 1984 as a bank teller.


A native of Los Angeles, Laura holds a degree in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Southern California.


She is currently a member of the Experian Consumer Council, the Forbes Nonprofit Council, CNBC Financial Wellness Council, and has held many voluntary appointments, including having served on the Parent Cabinet for DCPS Chancellor Kaya Henderson. Laura speaks and writes on financial literacy topics, especially the important role of parents and family members


Laura served as Director of Editorial Services for the National Association of Securities Dealers (now FINRA) and, later, as Director of Education and Information for the NASD Office of Individual Investor Services. From 1999-2004, Laura was Director of the NASDAQ Educational Foundation.

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