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Author: Walker Deibel

About Walker Deibel

Walker Deibel is an acquisition entrepreneur who has co-founded three startups and acquired seven companies. His book, "Buy Then Build," is your guide to live the entrepreneurial lifestyle and reap the financial rewards of ownership now.


CEO of Corley Printing Company Co-Founder at ViewPoint LLC CEO of Executive Data Control Producer at Deibel Films Partner at Codesmith Managing Director at Centra Partner at Quiet Light Brockerage Founder Author and Advisor of Buy Then Build


BA in English Literature and Religious Studies from the University of Kansas MBA in Marketing Strategy and Entrepreneurship from Washington University in St. Louis


Entrepreneurship, New Business Development, Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Mergers and Acquisitions


Certified Exist Planning Advisor from Exit Planning Institute Series 7 & 63 from FINRA Certified Merger and Acquisition Advisor from the Alliance of M&A Advisors

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