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Author: Mike Lenz

About Mike Lenz

A life long student of habits and behavior change. Mike Lenz is the CEO and cofounder of Tip Yourself, finance community that focuses on saving money through small shifts in your habits. You can change your financial situation, no matter where you are in life.

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To ensure we’re putting out the highest content standards, we sought out the help of certified financial experts and accredited individuals to verify our advice. We also rely on them for the most up to date information and data to make sure our in-depth research has the facts right, for today… Not yesterday. Our financial expert review board allows our readers to not only trust the information they are reading but to act on it as well. Most of our authors are CFP (Certified Financial Planners) or CRPC (Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor) certified and all have college degrees. Learn more about annuities, retirement advice and take the correct steps towards financial freedom and knowing exactly where you stand today. Learn everything about our top-notch financial expert reviews below… Learn More