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Top Financial Blogging Books You Should Stop and Read Now

Fact checked by John Boitnott

John Boitnott

John Boitnott graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a Masters Degree in Education. He worked for 14 years as a broadcast news writer for ABC, NBC, and CBS News where he covered finance, business and real estate. He covered financial news for SAP for four years. Boitnott is now working as a columnist for The Motley Fool where he covers personal financial and investing strategies.... Read More

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Financial Blogging Books

Your future is largely determined by how you plan your finances today. As you weigh your financial goals, you find it increasingly challenging to allocate funds to different needs and wants! You might want to invest in stock markets, REITs, bonds, or simply put aside funds for your kids. Timely financial planning makes your lifestyle organized!

Well, as much as 56% of Americans don’t even have $1,000 in their savings account. What if a medical emergency arises and you are left out of funds to tackle the crisis? We would rather hope you don’t find yourself amidst this financially vulnerable population.

We have shortlisted the top financial books that can help you streamline your personal finance. Whether you are an investor or an entrepreneur or simply want to grow your financial portfolio, you’ll find this list relevant.

Financial maturity comes with money-handling knowledge

Financial freedom happens to be one of the rare virtues that most individuals crave. How about retiring in peace without worrying about your income sources? Or having enough money so that you can start a new venture at any stage of your life? It feels great if you are privileged to cherish this financial freedom to eat out with your family, donate to charities, or hang around with friends without any financial crunch.

Reading financial blogs and books enriches and nurtures the mind with financial maturity. So, here’s why we recommend you read the financial blogging books listed in this article.

Gain relevant information: Every individual faces unique challenges as they are at different stages of their lives. Prioritizing your financial goals, read financial blogging books to gain relevant information and strategize your monetary decisions.

Count on practical advice: Money happens to be a tangible entity. The authors of the listed books have provided the readers with practical advice to use!

Read inspiring stories: The urge to define your financial goals and manage funds largely stem from anecdotes. The most practical way to access these inspiring stories is to read books on finance.

Best financial blogging books you should read immediately

We have listed these books along with relevant reasons to read them. This way, you can customize your choice based on your current financial stature and goals.

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad: Robert T. Kiyosaki (Best book to manage personal finance)

If you are just getting started with personal finance books, this is a must-read. Although a bit controversial, Rich Dad Poor Dad educates individuals to use their money not to accumulate liabilities but to acquire assets. Rather than shirking away from financial risks, you need to manage them tactically. This is exactly what Rich Dad Poor Dad is all about. The book inspires its readers to work so that they can learn rather than simply focus on the perspective of earning money.

Rich Dad Poor Dad is partially a reflection of the author’s life. Kiyosaki conveys valuable money-handling lessons, drawing inspiration from the life of his best friend and his father. These lessons revolve around the ideal approach to finances. Besides, the book throws light on the concepts of budgeting, accounting, investing, and money management.

A highly recommended personal finance book, Rich Dad Poor Dad, will help you with crucial money-management tips!

2. Money: Master the Game: Tony Robbins (Ideal for asset diversification and compound interest)

This is one of the best finance books young people should read. This is because you should start diversifying your assets and banking on the power of compound interest as early as possible!

Author Tony Robbins interviewed some of the best billionaire investors in the world. Based on his inference, he recommends seven simple steps to help you attain financial freedom.

Tony spent a decade researching before writing this amazing book. Just after the recession hit the world in 2008, he decided to help the commoners with his financial advice.

Money: Master the Game is a must-read, given that Tony Robbins wrote it based on the interviews of financial legends like Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio, and Jack Bogle. This book is an amalgamation of their best financial strategies!

Right from framing the right mindset to asset allocation and saving money, this book goes a long way, helping commoners master the game of money.

3. Retire Before Mom and Dad: Rob Berger (Early retirement and wealth building)

Rob Berger, a personal finance expert and the deputy editor of Forbes, authors this book to provide a comprehensive guide on wealth building and early retirement. If you are someone fancying financial freedom, don’t miss this out!

This finance book serves as a roadmap for common people to embrace their dream financial life. How about living a stress-free financial life, focussing only on matters you care about? Retire Before Mom and Dad generates a powerful insight into unlocking the superpower to enjoy financial freedom without making expensive sacrifices.

This wonderful book on finances helps its readers bust common money myths that refrain them from enjoying financial freedom. It also provides a methodical plan to save money without compromising your hobbies. Retire Before Mom and Dad shows the gateway to attaining financial freedom at seven levels.

4. I Will Teach You to Be Rich: Ramit Sethi (Best book for saving money)

I Will Teach You to Be Rich is one of the most actionable books that will help you transform concepts into practical money-saving habits quickly.

This is a groundbreaking book that can boost your earning potential exponentially and maximize your savings. Well, Ramit Sethi’s book presents readers with a six-week plan to set up wealth-building mechanisms. Right from strategizing your finances to sticking to your plans, this book is a must-read for millennials struggling to control their expenses.

Ramit Sethi started his financial blog back in 2004. Back then, he used to sell his eBooks for a few dollars. He realized the potential that online earning holds and capitalized on virtual selling platforms. Today, his online financial courses are worth millions of dollars!

As the book proceeds, Sethi outlines practical ways to maximize rewards on credit cards. Besides, the book touches on crucial aspects of cultivating healthy financial habits. For instance, there are lessons on automating your savings and benefitting from better interest rates from high-yielding savings accounts.

5. The Total Money Makeover: Dave Ramsey (Best book for debt management)

One of the most effective guides to tackle debts and regain your financial freedom, Dave Ramsey’s book on finance serves as a rescuer for thousands of millennials.

While talking about personal finances, you can’t possibly overlook debt management, right? Debt management continues to be a sizable subset of personal finance.

The Total Money Makeover outlines a practical guide to walking out of your debts and strengthening your financial stature. Ramsey advises his readers on the common financial nitty-gritty, such as cash advances, rent-to-own, or using credit cards.

Besides, the author recommends having at least $1,000 as an emergency fund. You can find help planning for your retirement or allocating funds for your kids. Ramsey also comes up with his unique ‘Snowball Method’ for clearing off debts.

Besides debt management, his book focuses on how people can start saving bit by bit. Eventually, the book advises people to invest once they cover their basics.

The radio show titled ‘The Ramsey Show’ continues to be one of the most popular programs in the US. He shares his experience in these episodes and helps people tackle emotional issues they encounter while handling money.

6. The Millionaire Fastlane: MJ DeMarco (Best financial book for entrepreneurs)

A note to entrepreneurs: try not to miss this book!

MJ DeMarco’s book, The Millionaire Fastlane, is a perfect reflection of the entrepreneurial mindset to attain financial success. The author has redefined the perceived or traditional approach to getting rich. He does away with the old concept of working hard to get rich after bagging a degree and a job. Rather, he defines wealth creation through a different pair of lenses. DeMarco, in this book, defines how to retire young.

DeMarco further points out to entrepreneurs that wealth stands for freedom, relationships, and health. Money is not necessarily one of these components. The book explains how entrepreneurs can strategize their finances to gain financial independence.

Well, the title might be suggestive of something else. Often, the first impression readers get is that the author would talk about get-rich hacks. However, The Millionaire Fastlane is a book that talks about taking calculated risks, boldness, persistence, and thinking unconventionally.

7. Broke Millennial Takes On Investing: Erin Lowry (A comprehensive guide to investments)

Targeted at socially and financially conscious millennials, Broke Millennial Takes on Investing by Erin Lowry serves as a beginner’s guide for investments. The author has loaded this book with tips for beginners. It teaches the readers how to navigate the financial market, prioritizing their values, beliefs, and monetary goals. If you are a young professional trying to get started with investments, this book is a must-read. Particularly, if you believe you aren’t rich enough or ready to invest, this book will guide you in getting started.

Lowry has rightly pointed out that young minds often run out of ideas regarding how to start channeling their funds for investment. The sheer lack of information continues to be a hurdle for millennial investors. Besides, they face the dilemma of whether to close their student loans or invest through AI apps.

Broke Millennial Takes on Investing is a book that also cultivates the virtue of social responsibility among investors. Altogether, this finance book can inspire you to start investing to create your wealth portfolio.

8. The Automatic Millionaire: David Bach (Best for wealth building)

Want to grow a typical millionaire mindset? Make sure to have this book on your wish list!

David Bach’s book, the Automatic Millionaire, happens to be the business bestseller of Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg Businessweek, USA Today, and the New York Times. It’s a story of a couple who starts off their journey with a combined income of $55,000. 

The author shows us the wealth-building path as we follow the couple owning two homes and cruising along to their financial dreams. They also ensure a decent college education for their kids and eventually retire with investments of over a million dollars just at 55.

The secret to financial success and emerging as a millionaire lies in setting up an automatic financial system for savings. This ensures that millennials can turn saving into a habit!

The concept of the story revolves around the option of getting rich even when you are on a budget. This idea resonates with the strategy of making systematic investments in recurring accounts or mutual funds.

9. The Little Book That Beats the Market: Joel Greenblatt (Learn stock market investment strategies)

Well, if you are into share trading, don’t miss out on this gem of a book from Joel Greenblatt. Given that 80% of stock market investors end up losing money, it pays to make an educated decision in the money market!

The Little Book That Beats the Market serves as a methodical tool along with a mathematical formula that helps investors choose the right stocks at the right time. This way, investors can eye a long-term profit.

The author educates the readers to evaluate stocks by observing parameters such as return on capital and earnings yield. Next, Greenblatt shows how to combine these parameters and rank them to find the best stocks to invest in.

In case you are just getting started with stock market investments or want to diversify your portfolio, this book is worth a read.


We have carefully shortlisted these 9 books on different finance domains to help you plan a secure future. These are the best books on finance that will help you get out of debt, manage your immediate expenses, build an emergency fund, and save for your retirement.

If you are struggling to put your poor financial habits behind you or recovering from financial turmoil, there are plenty of resources at your disposal to count on. Create the much-needed financial freedom in your life with the valuable guidelines from these authors.

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We uphold a strict editorial policy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading finance and industry experts, is reviewed by a team of seasoned editors to ensure compliance with the highest standards in reporting and publishing.

CEO at Due
John Rampton is an entrepreneur and connector. When he was 23 years old, while attending the University of Utah, he was hurt in a construction accident. His leg was snapped in half. He was told by 13 doctors he would never walk again. Over the next 12 months, he had several surgeries, stem cell injections and learned how to walk again. During this time, he studied and mastered how to make money work for you, not against you. He has since taught thousands through books, courses and written over 5000 articles online about finance, entrepreneurship and productivity. He has been recognized as the Top Online Influencers in the World by Entrepreneur Magazine and Finance Expert by Time. He is the Founder and CEO of Due.

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