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25 Free Marketing Tools That Accelerate Online Traffic

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Unless you proudly wear a black hat, boosting your online traffic is a lengthy process that requires consistency, dedication, and patience. In other words, there are no short cuts. You want free marketing tools that accelerate online traffic.

But, with the following 25 free marketing tools that accelerate online traffic by 10x within six months.

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

No one wants to visit a sluggish website. And, neither does Google. That’s why site speed can determine search engine rankings since it can impact the user experience.

To ensure that your website loads quickly, simply enter your URL, and this handy tool will test the loading time and performance for both desktop and mobile. It will also identify opportunities for you to improve.

Not a fan of this tool? Try out other free marketing tools that accelerate online traffic like Pingdom, WebPageTest, or GTmetrix.


Want to know exactly what your audience is searching for online? Then this tool can provide you with over 750 keyword suggestions for free. Just type in a single keyword, and you’ll be given a lengthy list of long-tail keyword opportunities that are organized alphabetically.

Similar tools would be Google Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest.

3. Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin

One of the best ways that you can drive traffic to your site is blogging daily. But, you already knew that and have downloaded WordPress. If not, I’ll give you a minute to do so now.

Do you have the WordPress site downloaded? Awesome! Now it’s time to get an essential plugin called Yoast SEO. This free plugin comes equipped with features like keyword optimization, readability check, page preview, and configuring all of that technical SEO stuff like robots.txt, .htaccess files, clean permalink URLs, or sitemaps for you.

4. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog could very well be the best SEO website crawler online, which means it is one of the top marketing tools that accelerate online traffic.

With this tool, you can crawl any URL and extract information like broken links and server errors. It can also generate XML Sitemap, discover duplicate content, and review robots.txt. In short, it’s an excellent SEO audit tool that isn’t going to cost you anything.

5. Facebook Insights

If you’re marketing your business on Facebook, then you need this tool since it provides information regarding your Page’s performance.

You’ll learn valuable demographic data and how people are responding to your posts. With this info, you can find out how to better engage your audience to drive them back to your website.

6. Calendar

This free calendar app is a cloud-based platform that you can access from anywhere to stay on top of your meetings, events, and projects.

Features include time zone intelligence, calendar sharing, tight controls, and integration with numerous tools like Salesforce, GoToMeeting, Zapier, and more. Plus, it allows you to bring your other calendars, including Google, Outlook, Office 365, or iCloud calendar, together for more significant organization.

7. SimilarWeb

I love tools like SEMrush for scooping out the competition, but it’s not free. That’s when you can use another tool for free. It can be used to compare traffic between two different websites (yours versus a competitor’s). You’ll see how they’re able to drive in more traffic than you.

8. Responsive Design Test

How does your site look on a smartphone? Keep in mind that search engines prefer websites that are flawless on all devices, no matter their size or orientation.

If you want to make sure that your website is using a responsive website design, then this tool is a must-have. When updating your site, find a designer immediately so that you can reach more users across all devices.

9. TweetDeck

Twitter marketing can help you acquire new leads and customers, but accomplish this with tools like TweetDeck. This popular tool allows you to organize and build collections, along with tracking events, topics, and hashtags so that you can effectively engage influencers on Twitter.

10. Pablo

Using relevant images can increase the number of clicks that you receive on your social channels, as well as drive traffic to your site since images can also improve your on-page SEO.

If you don’t have an in-house designer or don’t have the funds to outsource this work, Buffer’s Pablo can help you design compelling images for all of your social media campaigns in under five minutes.

If Pablo isn’t working out for you, try tools like Canva.

11. Browseo

This tool shows you how a search engine sees your site. It strips your site down to a base level, without any fancy fonts, headers or images, and displays relevant SEO information. By looking at your site this way, you can see what needs improvement.

All you have to do is enter your URL into the site; no additional downloads necessary.

12. Headline Analyzer

Whether it’s for a blog post, news article, or even your email newsletter, the headlines of your content can directly influence clicks. Your clicks, in turn, can affect your website traffic.

With the Headline Analyzer, you can quickly determine the effectiveness of your titles before publishing them online.

13. Hemingway App

Will this app make you the next Ernest Hemingway? Nope. But, it will help you identify any superfluous words, hard-to-read sentences, and the passive voice. Your blog posts can become more readable for your readers.

14. Copyscape

Duplicate content can do some serious damage to your SEO efforts. The problem is that you not always realize that you have duplicate content. That’s why Copyscape is a life-saver.

Just enter your URL for a blog post or website, and you’ll find out immediately if there’s any duplicate content anywhere on your site.

15. Canva Infographic Maker

Infographics have the power to generate high returns, as long as they’re done correctly. Thankfully, that’s possible with tools like Canva Infographic Maker.

This tool assists you in quickly creating eye-catching and sharable infographics – even if you’re not a designer.

16. Leadsius

Designed with small businesses in mind, Leadsius is a free marketing automation tool. Leadsius can handle everything from newsletters to campaign launches.

Also, you’ll be handling, with ease, your web forms and landing pages, sales notifications, and even your analytics reports.

17. Wistia

Creating a fantastic video and sharing it online is one of the best ways to boost your website traffic. But, what if you don’t want to deal with all of the red tape that’s involved with YouTube? You can give Wistia a try.

This tool not only hosts and shares your videos it also allows you to add call-to-action buttons and email capture forms. There’s also heatmaps and viewing trends of your videos so that you know how people are viewing your videos.

18. Quizzr

Quizzes can be a fun piece of content that can boost user engagement. Sites like Quizzr allow you to create quizzes for free and then post onto your blog, which should help drive traffic to your site.

19. MeetingBurner

Since you’re an expert within your industry, why not host a webinar? It’s another effective way to improve your website traffic.

Just remember to identify topics that would make your audience attend and then create an engaging event. Oh yeah. We’ll need a tool like MeetingBurner to host your webinar successfully.

20. Podbean

If a webinar is too much work, or you’re just not comfortable in front of a live audience, then consider hosting a podcast.

Again, demonstrating that you’re an industry expert will drive traffic back to your website. Using Podbean is a great way to get your feet wet with podcasting.

It’s an all-in-one podcasting platform that provides everything from podcast hosting to promotion to listener stats.

21. PeerReach

If you want to reach the influencers in your industry, you’re going to need to be included in the conversations that matter the most.

With PeerReach, you’ll never miss out on these conversations since you’ll always be discussing the most important topics with the most important people.

22. Hootsuite

Managing all of your separate social media accounts can be a hassle. That’s when you need tools like Hootsuite. With Hootsuite’s free plan you can manage up to 3 social media profiles.

You’ll be able to track follower growth, schedule content, and generate new leads by building and managing a lead capture campaign.

23. Google Analytics

Every marketing toolbox should include Google Analytics. This powerful tool tracks and reports website traffic. Flash, video, and social networking sites and applications show-up there.

It also helps you measure all of your advertising ROI and gives you insights on your audience.


IFTTT has quickly become a favorite tool among marketers since it automates repeated actions and tasks after you create recipes.

For example, whenever you publish a new video on YouTube, you can automatically post it to Facebook. Publish an original article? Email it to your newsletter subscribers or communities that you’re a part of.

25. GetTraffic

Want to zero-in on your ideal clients? If so, then you can use GetTraffic to create web ads that only targets your audience.

It will base ads on characteristics like location and demographic. This way, you’re only advertising to people that are most likely to convert into clients.

Bonus: Moz’S Google Algorithm Change History

While not necessarily a tool, MOZ has put together a collection and explanation of Google’s algorithm updates throughout the years. It can come in pretty handy when looking to improve your SEO.

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Freelance Writer at Due
Albert Costill graduated from Rowan University with a History degree. He has been a senior finance writer for Due since 2015. His financial advice has been featured in Money Magazine, Fool, The Street, Forbes, CNBC and MarketWatch. He loves to give personal finance advice to millennials.

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