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Blog » Inspirational Finance Quotes » Your Money Myth Affects Your Gain and Luck – Toba Beta

Your Money Myth Affects Your Gain and Luck – Toba Beta

Toba Beta

“Your money myth affects your gain and luck. In economics, illusion of money affects wealth.” – Toba Beta

Toba Beta Takeaway

How you perceive money will always affect how you earn it, and how you treat it. If you come from a privileged upbringing and have a fairly nonchalant attachment of money, you’ll probably continue to be comfortable, if not because of your inherent privilege than because you have established a standard of comfort.

If you have been plagued with financial hardship, you may find your mind on a short-term track and immediately spend money as soon as you receive it.

A perspective is a hard thing to break. But perspective flows through our actions, and ultimately, affects the conditions. These same conditions are wherein we surround ourselves.

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