“You can’t become a billionaire stepping over children sleeping on the street.”
– Bernie Sanders
The full quote is as follows: “America now has a situation where the CEOs of large corporations make over 360 times more than the average American worker. In many other countries, everybody wants to be rich, but there is a limit. You can’t become a billionaire stepping over children sleeping on the street. That is not what this country is supposed to be about. Enough is enough.”
When Bernie Sanders delivered the epic eight and a half hour long filibuster known best as simply “The Speech”, against exorbitant tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, he was making a stand against the greed of the 1%, against the corporate bottom line that insists on pulling the rug under the lives of millions of lower- and middle-income families, against a tax system that was protecting the people who had the least to protect from a penalty that they deserve. This was five years ago, and the situation has only become absurdly worse. However, a radical movement has begun to close in – people are at their angriest, and if justice exists, it will be the governing bodies and the financial executives who will have to answer to the court.