“Stop chasing the money and start chasing the passion.”
– Tony Hsieh
A guy who knows about passion, Tony Hsieh has been confounding the straight-laced business community with some of his more extreme ideas: he lives in an RV in a trailer park in Las Vegas with a pet alpaca, has eschewed a traditional management structure in favor of a self-organized, totally egalitarian system called Holacracy, and his company campus (really, the core of downtown Las Vegas) looks like a hipster amusement park, a self-enclosed society of Zappos employees.
Tony Hsieh is someone who can afford to chase every whim and fancy, but chasing his passions was a habit he formed early, at 23, when he launched his first venture LinkExchange. When it comes to living fruitfully and steering the life that you want to have, Tony reminds us that the first thing we need to do is start chasing passion.
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