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Time Management Tips for Freelancers to be More Productive

time management

Time management tips are all over the internet. When you find ones that apply to your exact situation, they can help you organize and plan how much time you spend on specific tasks. It’s easy to get distracted or lose track of time as a freelancer, especially if you have a flexible schedule.

Use the following tips to tweak your schedule and possibly get more done.

1. Test out popular time management strategies

Though some time management tips just sound gimmicky, it can’t hurt to try some of them out to see what works for you. The two-minute rule has spread like wildfire. If you haven’t heard of it, the idea originated from the book Getting Things Done.

The 2 minute-rule is a part of a decision-making framework that helps you choose whether or not to complete the next task for a project in the moment based on how long it takes to complete.When you determine the next step, quickly estimate how long it will take to complete.

According to the book, if it isn’t something you can finish in a few minutes, then you might need to defer the task or delegate it depending on what it is. If you’re not able to do it, it may also just have to remain as the next action step until you can complete it. The idea behind it is taking action in the moment. Doing so can ward off procrastination and potentially help you finish more than you thought was possible.

2. Discover how to improve time management using a digital calendar

Many people already use digital calendars to remind themselves of the day’s events. Whether you use your phone’s calendar,  the Google Calendar app or something else, you can sync everything you need to do in one spot. Outside of just recording events as a placeholder to remember where to go, think about taking things a step further.

Block out time before the event to prepare for the event. You can even create a list of steps you might need to take steps to complete beforehand. Type those steps in wherever you will be able to see them and utilize them when the time comes. Even if you block out time on the calendar itself, it can help you from scrambling when you have a podcast interview, a client call or and allow you to prepare appropriately.



3. Get a crash course in time management skills using your smartphone

Think about setting a series of alarms on your phone with the specific task you need to complete, so you don’t forget to do them in a timely fashion. For instance, if you want to make a call but the company you need to reach is in another time zone, you might have to wait for the company to open.

Though you might remember that you need to do such a task at the start of my day, you can’t necessarily take action on it right away. If this happens to you, set an alarm. Having it on a to-do list may not be enough to take action on it at a specific time. If you get caught up in a project, you can quickly forget to call altogether.

The Bottom Line

Not all time management tips are created equally. Some will work better for you than others. Start testing some out to move forward with your day as productively as possible.


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Karen is a Nationally Syndicated Personal Finance Writer who sharpens her skills at US News Money. You can also find her placing clients on podcasts and reading about home office organization, productivity and habits.

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