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Blog » Inspirational Finance Quotes » Thomas Edison – Don’t Miss An Opportunity

Thomas Edison – Don’t Miss An Opportunity

Thomas Edison - Don't Miss An Opportunity

Thomas Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” And for the man who found 10,000 ways not to make the light bulb before reaching success, that is saying something.

We’ve all felt that inner dread when thinking of going to work. But, what if on this particular day, this particular time and place, you find a once in a lifetime golden opportunity by going to work? Doubtful, but you get where I’m going. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try!

Edison was correct in saying that many of us miss opportunities, whether it is because we were scared, lazy, unaware, or it plain and simply looks hard. Work is hard, and if it isn’t hard, you aren’t doing it right. So grab the bull by the horns! Seize that opportunity, and don’t miss out because it dressed in overalls and looked ‘too difficult’.

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Finance Editor and Writer at Due
Angela Ruth is a financial writer at Due. She has a passion for helping people get out of debt and live a better life.

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