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Vomma, also known as Volga, is a second-order measure of sensitivity in options pricing, indicating how the Vega of an option will react to changes in volatility. Essentially, it helps predict changes in vega when there is a change in the implied volatility of the underlying security. It is particularly useful for traders dealing in options with longer expirations and for options priced far from their strike price.


The phonetics of the keyword ‘Vomma’ is: /ˈvɒmə/

Key Takeaways

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  1. Vomma is an option’s sensitivity to changes in the volatility of the underlying asset.
  2. It measures the rate of change to an option’s Vega with respect to the underlying asset’s volatility. This essentially quantifies the amount by which the price of a derivative will change in reaction to a change in the volatility of the underlying asset.
  3. Vomma becomes more important when the option is near to expiry and when the delta of the option is near to zero. It closely monitors and predicts how the price of an option will react to changes in volatility, thereby providing crucial information to traders.

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Vomma, a lesser-known Greek term used in options trading, plays an important role in assessing the risks associated with changes in market volatility. This derivative of the volatility Greek “Vega” measures an option’s sensitivity to volatility changes. It helps to predict how the price of an option will change in relation to shifts in the implied volatility of the underlying asset. Essentially, Vomma indicates how changes in market conditions could influence the net profit or loss of an options portfolio. Therefore, by understanding Vomma, options traders can better manage their portfolios and hedge against potential risks related to changing market volatility, thereby optimizing their investment strategies for maximum benefit.


Vomma is an essential option Greek which measures the sensitivity of the volatility of an option’s Vega to changes in the volatility of the underlying asset. In financial markets, volatility is a critical input into the pricing models used for pricing options contracts and managing risk. Vomma helps in gauging how an option’s price might react to changes in volatility and can serve as a useful tool for traders, particularly those dealing in large option portfolios or those who engage in hedging activities.Vomma’s primary purpose is to quantify how changes in volatility might affect an option’s Greek Vega, which measures an option’s sensitivity to per-unit changes in volatility. When the vomma is positive, the option’s Vega increases as the volatility of an underlying asset increases, implying that the price of the option could also heighten. On the other hand, a negative vomma means that Vega decreases as the underlying asset’s volatility rises, suggesting a potential drop in the option’s price. Therefore, traders use vomma to manage volatility risk effectively, help in making trading and hedging decisions, and more broadly, facilitate better risk management in their option portfolios.


Vomma, also known as “volga,” is a second-order Greek derivative used to measure the sensitivity of vega due to changes in the volatility of a derivative instrument. Simply put, vomma helps to understand the change in vega for a change in implied volatility. Here are three examples:1. Options Trading: Traders often use vomma to measure the risk associated with options that are far from their expiry dates. For example, suppose a trader is holding an options contract with an initial vega of 0.15 and a vomma of 0.02. If the implied volatility of the underlying asset increases by 1%, this means that the new vega would be 0.17 (0.15 + 0.02). Understanding vomma would help in managing the portfolio’s exposure to changes in implied volatility.2. Corporate Finance: A company’s CFO might use vomma to measure the company’s exposure to fluctuating interest rates, especially if the value of their interest rate swaps depend significantly on shifts in market volatility. By understanding the vomma, the CFO will be able to better strategize and manage the company’s financial risk.3. Portfolio Management: A portfolio manager with a range of derivative investments might use vomma to measure how sensitive his or her portfolio is to changes in market volatility. An investment with a high vomma would be more sensitive to changes in market volatility than one with a low vomma. By understanding the vomma of each investment, the portfolio manager can more effectively balance the portfolio and mitigate risk.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Vomma in finance?

Vomma is a measure of the sensitivity of the Vega of an option to changes in volatility. It is essentially the second derivative of the option value with respect to volatility.

What is the relevance of Vomma?

Vomma is essential for those who conduct a lot of options trading. It helps traders to understand how the price of the underlier will change as the volatility of the market changes.

How is Vomma calculated?

Vomma is calculated by taking the second derivative of the option price with respect to volatility.

Are there risks associated with Vomma?

Yes, Vomma can pose risks if not properly understood or managed. It can cause significant fluctuation in the value of options if the volatility changes unexpectedly.

Do all options have Vomma?

Yes, all options have Vomma, but its value will differ depending on several factors such as the time to expiration and moneyness of the option.

Is Vomma positive or negative for long options?

Vomma is typically positive for long options. This means the Vega of the option increases as the volatility increases.

Is Vomma more significant for Options that are ATM (At The Money), ITM (In The Money), or OTM (Out of The Money)?

Vomma tends to be higher for options that are at-the-money (ATM) and lower for those that are in-the-money (ITM) or out-of-the-money (OTM).

What is the relationship between Vomma and Vega?

Vomma is the rate of change of Vega with respect to volatility, meaning it measures how the Vega of an option will respond to a change in implied volatility. Higher Vomma means a greater change in Vega for a comparable change in volatility.

Can Vomma help in designing hedging strategies?

Yes, knowing the Vomma of an option can help in devising effective hedging strategies, especially for large options traders or market makers who need to understand and manage their exposure to volatility risks.

Is Vomma a commonly used Greek in options trading?

While it’s not as commonly used as Delta, Gamma, Vega, and Theta, Vomma can be useful for options traders, particularly those trading large volumes or dealing with complex options strategies.

Related Finance Terms

  • Volatility skew
  • Greeks (Finance)
  • Option pricing
  • Implied volatility
  • Rho (finance)

Sources for More Information

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