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Uptick Rule


The Uptick Rule is a trading restriction that states that short selling a stock is only allowed on an uptick. An uptick occurs when the latest trade is at a higher price than the one before it. This rule is designed to prevent traders from contributing to the downward momentum of an asset’s price.


The phonetics of the keyword “Uptick Rule” is: ʌp-tɪk ruːl

Key Takeaways

Sure, here it is in HTML numbered list format:

  1. The Uptick Rule is a trading restriction that states that short selling a stock is only allowed on an uptick. This means that the stock must be sold at a price higher than the previous transaction price.
  2. This SEC rule is designed to prevent short sellers from exacerbating a stock’s decline. By only allowing short sales on up-ticks, this rule helps to mitigate potential downward price spirals.
  3. However, the Uptick Rule was eliminated in 2007 due to the prevalence of high-speed electronic trading. In 2010, the SEC introduced an alternative uptick rule which applies only when a stock’s price falls 10% or more in a single day.


The Uptick Rule is important in the business/finance sector because it helps in preventing short sale manipulations in the market and provides a certain level of financial market stability. This rule, introduced after the Great Depression, only allows short sales to be executed at higher prices than the previous traded price. This means investors cannot short a stock during a continuous downward slide, thereby preventing them from unduly accelerating the decline of a stock’s share price. Hence, it serves as a control measure to reduce downward price pressure on a stock during severe market dips, mitigating potential market volatility and protecting the integrity of the stock market.


The Uptick Rule is a financial regulation designed specifically to safeguard the stock market from excessive short-selling and prevent stock price manipulation. The main purpose of this rule is to limit the ability of traders to drive down the price of a stock in a bear market by executing a large volume of short sales. In essence, the Uptick Rule acts as a control measure to maintain market stability and prevent a rapid or drastic decline in a particular stock’s price which may negatively impact the overall health of the stock market. The rule finds its utility in situations where it intervenes to stop runaway short selling by allowing short sales only when the price of a security rises, i.e., on an uptick. This restriction compels traders to be more strategic and patient in the execution of their short sales, reducing the likelihood of panic selling or speculative trading. By imposing this rule, bearish traders cannot continue their selling spree unrestricted, hence protecting the market from undue influence and preventing abrupt market downturns. It illustrates the proactive interventions undertaken by market regulators to ensure a level playing field and promote fair market practices.


1. Lehman Brothers Crisis (2008): During the financial crisis of 2008, several firms including Lehman Brothers experienced rapid short selling which led to their stock prices plummeting. Many believe that the SEC’s elimination of the uptick rule in 2007 contributed to this by allowing short sellers to intensify downward pressure on stocks. Afterward, discussions took place regarding whether the uptick rule should be reinstated to prevent such occurrences again. 2. GameStop Stock Surge (2021): During the GameStop stock trading frenzy in early 2021, millions of small investors bought stocks to bet against large hedge funds who were shorting the stock. These hedge funds lost billions as they had to cover their short positions in the face of a rapidly rising stock price. Some people argued that an uptick rule could have moderated the drastic price swing by limiting the ability of these hedge funds to short sell without restriction.3. United Airlines Bankruptcy (2002): When United Airlines declared bankruptcy in 2002, its share prices sharply fell. Some investors looking to profit from this decline, engaging in aggressive short selling. Critics argued that had the uptick rule been more strictly enforced, it may have slowed down the company’s sharp stock price decline by preventing excessive short selling.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the Uptick Rule in Finance?

The Uptick Rule is a regulation originally established by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that disallows short selling a stock unless the last trade increased the stock’s price, or upticked.

Why was the Uptick Rule implemented?

The Uptick Rule was implemented in 1938 to avoid further depression in a stock’s value. It was designed to prevent traders from accelerating a stock’s decline by selling short on its downticks.

When was the Uptick Rule abolished and why?

The Uptick Rule was abolished by the SEC in July 2007. It was eliminated since advances in trading systems made the rule perceived as obsolete and detrimental to trading efficiency.

Has there been any effort to restore the Uptick Rule?

Yes, there have been proposals to reinstate the Uptick Rule following the financial crisis in 2008, which many attributed to unrestricted short selling. However, as of now, the rule has not been reinstated.

Can the Uptick Rule apply to all stocks?

When active, the Uptick Rule applied to all stocks that are traded in the United States. It is important to note the exact use depends on changes in financial regulations.

How does the absence of Uptick Rule affect a regular trader?

The absence of the Uptick Rule allows traders to sell stocks short regardless of the direction of the last trade. It can result in increased trading efficiency, but may also expose the stocks to potential short selling attacks.

Are there any alternative rules to the Uptick Rule?

Yes, following the 2008 financial crisis, the SEC introduced the alternative uptick rule or Rule 201. Under this rule, if a security’s price decreases by 10% or more from the previous day’s closing price, short selling would only be allowed if the price is above the current national best bid.

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