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Spiders (SPDR)


Spiders (SPDR) is an acronym for Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts. It’s a type of exchange-traded fund (ETF) managed by State Street Global Advisors that tracks the S&P 500 index, allowing investors to gain exposure to the performance of the index without owning the individual stocks. In essence, buying a SPDR gives investors a way to diversify their portfolios and mimic the performance of the S&P 500.


The phonetics of the keyword “Spiders (SPDR)” would be: Sierra Papa Delta Romeo.

Key Takeaways

Sure, here you go:

  1. Spiders (SPDRs) are a popular type of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that replicate the performance of the S&P 500 index. They are a way for individual investors to participate in the market’s overall growth with diversification across different sectors.
  2. They were introduced by the State Street Global Advisors in 1993 and have become one of the most popular types of ETFs due to their liquidity, tax efficiency, and lower transaction costs. SPDRs are widely used by investors for both long-term investment and short-term trading strategies.
  3. The SPDR S&P 500 ETF is one of the largest and most traded ETFs in the world, with over $250 billion in assets under management as of 2020. It’s a great way to have exposure to the U.S stock market, with companies like Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and others included in the index.


The business/finance term “SPDR” or “Spiders” refers to Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts, which are a kind of exchange-traded fund (ETF), and they’re significantly important in the investment world. SPDRs are designed to track the performance of the S&P 500 index, allowing investors to gain broad market exposure without having to individually buy every stock within the index. This makes them a cost-effective, efficient, and flexible investment tool. They hold the stocks in the same proportion as the S&P 500 index, so it mimics the index’s market performance. Due to the liquidity and ease of trading SPDRs, they are one of the most popular ETFs amongst investors, providing a way for individuals and institutions to diversify their portfolios and manage risk while keeping costs low.


Spiders, or SPDRs (Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts), serve a critical purpose in the realm of investing by enabling investors to gain broad exposure to segments of the market, including sectors, industries, or a specific index. Created by State Street Global Advisors, SPDRs are a type of exchange-traded fund (ETF), which track a specific benchmark index such as the S&P 500, hence the nickname ‘spiders’. The essence of SPDRs is their ability to allow investors to purchase a share of an entire portfolio of stocks with one single SPDR share, which simplifies the investment process and eliminates the need to buy every individual stock.Beyond making investing accessible and straightforward, Spiders also facilitate diversification, risk management, and hedging strategies. SPDRs can encompass a wide variety of sectors such as technology, finance, and industrial, making it possible for investors to diversify their portfolios without needing to buy stocks from multiple companies individually. Because of their intrinsic design that mimics the price movement of the specific benchmark index, they enable investors to effectively manage risk and make strategic decisions based on market trends. In short, SPDRs come as an innovative financial tool that makes sector-specific investing and index mimicking a practical reality.


1. SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) – This is one of the most popular and widely traded ETFs globally, issued by State Street Global Advisors. It tracks the S&P 500 Index, which is based on the market capitalization of 500 large companies traded on the NYSE and NASDAQ.2. SPDR Gold Shares (GLD) – This ETF tracks the price of gold and trades on the NYSE Arca. It is a practical means for investors to invest in gold without owning the physical product.3. SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (DIA) – This ETF aims to provide investment results that, before expenses, correspond to the price and yield performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It provides a way for investors to diversify their portfolios and have exposure to some of the largest U.S. companies across different industries.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does SPDR (Spiders) stand for in finance and business?

SPDR, pronounced Spiders , stands for Standard & Poor’s Depositary Receipts. They are exchange-traded funds (ETFs) managed by State Street Global Advisors that are designed to track certain S&P indexes.

What are SPDRs primarily used for?

SPDRs are primarily used by investors who are looking for a convenient way to diversify their portfolio with an investment that provides a return similar to specific indexes.

What different types of SPDRs are available?

There is a diverse selection of SPDRs available for investors, including those that track the S&P 500 (SPY), the Technology Select Sector Index (XLK), the Consumer Discretionary Select Sector Index (XLY), and many more.

How can I invest in SPDRs?

You can invest in SPDRs by purchasing them like you would common stocks, through a brokerage account.

What are some of the benefits and risks involved with investing in SPDRs?

Benefits include instant diversification, liquidity, low cost, and potential dividends. Risks may include market risk, tracking error, and potential changes in the index composition.

What are the returns on SPDRs based on?

The returns on SPDRs are based on the performance of the underlying index that they track.

Are SPDRs a good fit for any portfolio?

Like all investments, whether SPDRs are a good fit for you will depend on your individual financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment timeline.

How are SPDRs different from mutual funds?

Both SPDRs and mutual funds offer a way to diversify one’s portfolio, but unlike mutual funds, SPDRs can be traded on the open market during trading hours, while mutual funds are only bought and sold at the end of the day at net asset value (NAV).

Can I trade SPDRs internationally?

Yes, SPDRs are traded internationally and are available to both domestic and foreign investors.

Do SPDRs pay dividends?

Yes, SPDRs often pay dividends to their shareholders. The dividends are based on the income generated by the underlying securities in the ETF’s portfolio.

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Sources for More Information

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