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No-Par Value Stock


No-par value stock is a type of stock which does not have a specific face or par value assigned to it by the issuing company. Unlike par value stock, where the share price is at least the specified par value, no-par value stock’s price is determined by the amount that investors are willing to pay in the market. This allows greater flexibility to the company as it can assign a selling price of their choice.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “No-Par Value Stock” is “Nō Pär Vælyoo Stɒk”.

Key Takeaways

  1. No-Par Value Stocks Lack Monetary Attachment: When a corporation issues no-par value stock, it means that these shares do not have an assigned face value. Instead of a par value listed on the stock certificate, these stocks are recorded using whatever value the corporation decides to sell them for in the market.
  2. Reduced Legal Liability: Issuing no-par value stock can limit a corporation’s legal liability. In many jurisdictions, companies are required to sell their stock above its par value. By not assigning a par value, corporations may reduce potential legal issues associated with selling shares below the par value.
  3. Greater Financial Flexibility: No-par value stock allows companies more flexibility in pricing their shares. The lack of an explicit par value means that the company’s board of directors can set the value at which they sell shares at their discretion, based on market conditions and the company’s specific financial needs.


The business/finance term “No-Par Value Stock” is important as it provides flexibility to corporations when issuing stock to the public. Unlike par value stock, which has a minimum price value attached to it, the no-par value stock does not have a pre-determined value, allowing the company the capacity to assign a selling price without restrictions. This greatly reduces the corporation’s legal liability as they would not have to face any issues related to selling their stock below its stated par value. Hence, it offers companies more freedom and protects them against potential lawsuits, thereby playing a crucial role in corporate finance.


No-Par Value Stock is a type of stock that companies issue when they want flexibility in assigning a share’s value. A par value is essentially an assigned dollar value applied to a corporation’s stock for accounting purposes. However, with No-Par Value Stock, the company can issue shares without a defined par value, providing greater leeway for the company in determining the selling price of stocks. The primary purpose of issuing No-Par Value Stock is that it allows companies to avoid potential legal issues tied to stocks selling below their specified par value. It also provides an advantage when it comes to raising capital. By not setting a par value, the company can sell shares at a high price, and if the market value drops significantly, it reduces the prospect of shareholder lawsuits arguing the stocks are overvalued. Therefore, No-Par Value Stock is a useful tool for risk management and flexible financial planning within a company.


1. **Apple Inc**: Apple Inc., one of the world’s most profitable tech companies, classifies its common stock as no-par value stock. This means that there’s no face value ascribed to these shares on the stock certificate or on financial statements. 2. **Microsoft Corporation**: Microsoft Corporation is another example of a company that issues no-par value stock. In the company’s charter, it declares that their shares have no exact face value.3. **Oracle Corporation**: Oracle, the renowned database software company, issues no-par value stock as well. Within their financial filings, they disclose that all of their outstanding shares of common stock have no par value. It gives more financial flexibility as Oracle doesn’t need to have a minimum price for their shares.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a No-Par Value Stock?

A No-Par Value Stock is a type of stock which has no par and face value assigned to it. The value of the stock is determined by the amount that investors are willing to pay for it in the market.

How does a No-Par Value Stock affect the company’s balance sheet?

In the company’s balance sheet, the money received from the sale of No-Par Value Stocks goes directly into the shareholder’s equity section rather than being divided between stock and additional paid-in capital accounts.

What is the benefit of issuing No-Par Value Stock for corporations?

By issuing No-Par Value Stocks, the company prevents potential legal issues that could arise in areas where shares below par value cannot be sold.

Is No-Par Value Stock common in company stock issuance?

Yes, issuing No-Par Value Stock is a common practice today because it allows companies to avoid legal complications concerning stock issuance.

What is the risk for investors buying No-Par Value Stock?

There is no direct risk associated specifically with buying No-Par Value Stock. The inherent risks are the same as buying any other types of stock, which can depend on several factors including the company’s performance, economic conditions, etc.

Can No-Par Value Stock have a stated value?

Yes, No-Par Value Stock can have a stated value that is printed on the stock certificate. This is not a par value, but rather, an arbitrary figure determined by the board of directors.

How is No-Par Value Stock priced?

The price of a No-Par Value Stock is determined by what investors are willing to pay in the market at any given time.

Can a No-Par Value Stock become a Par Value Stock in future?

The transformation of a No-Par Value Stock into a Par Value Stock is unlikely and generally not preferred by corporations, due to the legal and financial complexities that can be associated with Par Value Stocks.

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