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Money-Weighted Rate of Return


The Money-Weighted Rate of Return (MWRR) is a measure of the rate of return on an investment, accounting for the amount of capital invested and the timing of those investments. It calculates the rate at which all invested funds have grown, considering both the size and date of each inflow and outflow. Essentially, it’s a personalized measure of investment performance, highlighting how well one’s specific investment decisions have paid off.


The phonetics for the keyword “Money-Weighted Rate of Return” would be:”muh-nee-wey-tid reyt uhv ri-turn”

Key Takeaways

1. Individual Investor-centric: The Money-Weighted Rate of Return (MWRR) considers the specific timing and amount of an individual investor’s cash flows. Unlike time-weighted return, which only reflects the overall performance of an investment, the MWRR evaluates how an individual has fared based on their unique investment circumstances.

2. Affective by Timing: MWRR is significantly affected by the timing of investment cash flows. If a substantial sum is invested just before a period of poor performance, the MWRR will be lower compared to an identical investment made later. This makes it an excellent indicator of a single investor’s personal return.

3. Comparison Difficulties: While MWRR provides valuable insight into an individual investor’s performance, it is not useful for comparing the performance of different fund managers or investment strategies because it is influenced by the timings and amounts of individual cash flows. For making those comparisons, the Time-Weighted Return (TWR) is more appropriate.


The Money-Weighted Rate of Return (MWRR) is a crucial measure in business and finance as it captures the personal investment return of an individual investor, factoring in the size and timing of their cash flows. By considering how much capital an investor has in an investment at different periods, MWRR offers a personalized return rate, reflecting the actual gain or loss the investor experienced. Its importance stems from the fact that it enables investors to evaluate the effectiveness of their investment strategies by showing how their decisions about when and how much to invest or withdraw have impacted their return. Hence, MWRR can provide deep insights for making future investment decisions.


The Money-Weighted Rate of Return, often abbreviated as MWRR, is a method of assessing the performance of an investment portfolio that takes into account the timing and amount of cash flows. Essentially, it is a personalized measure of investment performance. This sophisticated measure is used to determine the rate of return on investments where multiple cash flows have occurred over the investment period. MWRR is crucial because it adjusts for the time value of money, meaning it accounts for when exactly an investor makes their investment contributions or withdrawals.In the world of finance and business, MWRR is used by individual investors and financial advisors to assess portfolio performance. It allows for a tailored view of a portfolio’s profitability, taking into consideration a specific investor’s circumstance rather than providing an average return. Therefore, it can give a more accurate insight into how well an investment strategy is working for a particular investor. MWRR is especially relevant in scenarios where cash flows are irregular or where an investor makes large contributions or withdrawals at different points in time. Despite its complexity, its value lies in its ability to measure the effectiveness of an individual’s investment strategy, hence guiding decision-making to maximize returns.


1. Individual Investment Portfolio: A private investor invests significant funds into a diverse portfolio which includes stocks, bonds, and real estate. They make numerous transactions throughout the year, investing additional money and withdrawing some. To assess the performance of their investments, they use the Money-Weighted Rate of Return (MWRR). MWRR allows them to take into account the timing and amount of their cash flows, providing them a more accurate picture of their investment performance.2. Mutual Funds: Assume an individual invests in a mutual fund at different times and in varying amounts. This mutual fund experiences significant volatility throughout the year. The individual wants to assess their personal return on this investment. By using MWRR, they can accurately measure the return on their investment, taking into account when they invested additional amounts and when they may have withdrawn funds. This will provide a more precise measure of return than Time-Weighted Rate of Return, given the timing and amounts of additional investments or withdrawals.3. Retirement Plans: Assume an individual has a 401(k) retirement plan and consistently contributes varying amounts each year. As they near retirement, they want to assess the performance of their investments. Using the MWRR, they take into account the timing and amount of all additional contributions and any withdrawals to determine the personalized return on the retirement fund. This provides an accurate personal return rather than a generalized return on the whole fund.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the Money-Weighted Rate of Return?

The Money-Weighted Rate of Return (MWRR) is a measure of the rate of return on an investment, taking into account the amount of money invested and the timing of those investments. It gives an individualized rate of return based on how much was invested at different periods of time.

How is the MWRR calculated?

The MWRR can be calculated using a process similar to finding the internal rate of return (IRR) of cash flows. It involves determining the rate at which the total initial investment equals the present value of future cash flows.

What is the difference between MWRR and Time-Weighted Rate of Return?

The main difference between Money-Weighted Rate of Return and Time-Weighted Rate of Return is that MWRR takes into account the timing and amount of individual cash flows while the TWRR does not. TWRR, on the other hand, measures the compound rate of growth in a portfolio.

When is it most appropriate to use MWRR?

The MWRR is most helpful when the investor wants to see the impact of their individual cash flow timings and amounts on the overall return of the investment.

How does MWRR help in financial decision-making?

The MWRR can help investors identify if and how their timing of cash flows is affecting their returns. Greater insight into how these decisions are impacting returns can help investors adjust their strategies for the future.

Can the MWRR at times be misleading?

Yes, it can be misleading if not compared with other metrics. MWRR can be significantly impacted by the timing and amount of cash flows. If an investor makes a large contribution just before a period of excellent performance, it will raise the MWRR, which may not reflect the overall long-term return.

Does the MWRR require specific record keeping?

Yes, in order to calculate MWRR accurately, it’s crucial to record the amount and date of each cash flow. This includes the initial investment, any additional contributions, and withdrawals.

Is the MWRR the same for every investor in a fund?

No, the MWRR varies for each investor depending on the timing and size of their individual cash flows into and out of the investment. The MWRR is a personal measure of return.

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