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Low-Income Housing Tax Credit


The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit is a U.S. federal tax credit program aimed at promoting the construction and rehabilitation of housing for low-income individuals. It provides tax incentives to private investors who invest in affordable housing projects. This program is the primary means of directing private capital towards the creation and preservation of affordable rental housing within the U.S.


Low-Income Housing Tax Credit in phonetic terms would be: loʊ-ɪnkʌm haʊzɪŋ tæks krɛdɪt

Key Takeaways

<ol><li>The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is a dollar-for-dollar tax credit in the United States for affordable housing investments. It provides incentives for private investors to develop affordable housing projects. </li><li>The tax credit is intended to lower the risk for developers and investors engaged in the construction and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing. This, in turn, stimulates the provision of more affordable housing options for low-income households. </li><li>The LIHTC program has been instrumental in creating millions of homes intended for low-income households, significantly addressing affordable housing needs. However, critics argue that it does not sufficiently serve the lowest-income populations and that its complexity can lead to inefficiencies. </li></ol>


The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is a crucial element in the business and finance sector because it serves as a primary tool for creating affordable housing for low-income households in the United States. This tax incentive encourages private investors to participate in the building, renovation, and rehabilitation of housing for individuals and families with lower income. The credit provides a dollar-for-dollar reduction in a taxpayer’s federal income tax, making it highly appealing for private sector involvement. Therefore, LIHTC plays a significant role in fostering a more balanced and inclusive housing market, which indirectly contributes towards reducing socioeconomic disparities and promoting a stronger and healthier economy.


The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) serves a vital purpose in fostering affordable housing provisions within the United States. Established by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, this federal program provides tax incentives to encourage private investment in the development and rehabilitation of housing for low-income families, seniors, and individuals with special needs. The LIHTC program provides a dollar-for-dollar reduction in tax liability for investors and developers working on eligible affordable housing projects.The primary purpose of the LIHTC is to incentivize the provision of affordable housing and bolster its supply in various markets where it is most needed. Through the program, tax credits are distributed to each state based on its population, and each state’s designated housing finance agency distributes these credits to developers. In return for receiving these tax benefits, it becomes the developer’s responsibility to maintain the affordability of these housing units for a set period, usually for at least 15 years. By doing so, the LIHTC program actively addresses the housing affordability crisis, linking the private finance world with a crucial social issue.


1. Pedcor Investments, Indiana – Pedcor Investments, based in Carmel, Indiana, is a private company that specializes in the use of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC). Pedcor is involved in the design, construction, management and ownership of rental housing communities that operate under the LIHTC program. Since the 1980s, it has developed more than 16,000 LIHTC units in 19 states across the USA.2. Columbia Residential, Atlanta – Columbia Residential is a real estate development and management company based in Atlanta, Georgia, and it has been a recipient of low-income housing tax credits. One of their notable projects, Columbia at Sylvan Hills, is a mix of renovated and new buildings that provide affordable housing options for low-income residents. The project was made possible by the LIHTC program.3. The Rose, Minnesota: In the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-St. Paul), there is an apartment complex called The Rose that caters to working-class families and individuals. 35 of the 90 units in the complex are priced according to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. The rest of the units have mixed renters in order to maintain community stability. This project, a partnership between Aeon and Hope Community, is a great example of how LIHTCs are used to keep rent costs down for lower-income individuals.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Low-Income Housing Tax Credit?

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) is a governmental incentive meant to promote the construction and rehabilitation of affordable rental housing. The credit is given to those who invest in projects for this purpose to offset their tax liability.

Who is eligible for the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit?

The LIHTC is not available directly to individuals. It is granted to developers or investors who champion affordable housing projects. These projects must meet certain eligibility criteria including serving low-income tenants.

How does Low-Income Housing Tax Credit work?

The LIHTC works by assigning tax credits to states based on their population, and those states then hold competitions where developers propose projects in which the state allocates tax credits. Investors purchase these credits to offset their tax liability.

How is the amount of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit determined?

The amount of the LIHTC is based on the costs of construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of the low-income housing project, excluding land and existing structures. A percentage of these costs (up to 9% or 4%) is granted as tax credits each year for 10 years.

How can investors benefit from the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit?

Investors can utilize the LIHTC to gain a dollar-for-dollar reduction in their federal income tax liability. This not only provides tax relief but also encourages private investment into affordable housing, which is often scarce.

How does the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit affect housing affordability?

The LIHTC is designed to increase the availability and affordability of low-income housing. By gaining tax credits, developers are incentivized to construct or rehabilitate housing projects that will cater to low-income renters, thus increasing the supply of affordable housing.

Are there any income restrictions linked to Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties?

Yes, there are income restrictions. LIHTC properties must reserve at least 40% of their units for households earning no more than 60% of the area median income, or 20% of units for households earning no more than 50% of the area median income.

What happens if Low-Income Housing Tax Credit properties fail to comply with the program’s rules?

If the property fails to comply with income restrictions or fails to maintain habitable conditions, the state housing agency can recapture a portion of the tax credits from the owner.

Related Finance Terms

  • Affordable Housing
  • Tax Incentives
  • Low-Income Residents
  • Section 42 of Internal Revenue Code
  • Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP)

Sources for More Information

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