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Liberty Bond


A Liberty Bond is a type of government-issued bond originally sold in the United States to support the allied cause in World War I. They were also used to control inflation and fund military expenses during the war. Consequently, they’re considered a form of patriotic investment.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Liberty Bond” is: “ˈlɪbərti bɑːnd”.

Key Takeaways

  1. Liberty Bonds were debt securities issued by the United States government during World War I to help finance their efforts in the war.

  2. They were sold to the general public, making them a chance for every citizen to contribute to the war efforts, fostering a sense of patriotism during a time of national crisis.

  3. The failure to redeem them all, causing a loss for some civilian bondholders, eventually led to changes in the management of government debt in order to protect small investors.


Liberty Bonds are significant in business and finance history as they were issued by the U.S. Government during World War I to support war efforts financially. It marked one of the first times when the government urged the everyday citizens to participate in funding a national effort directly. Introducing the concept of citizens financing their government beyond taxation, it played a critical role in popularizing and democratizing government-issued bonds. This innovative financing method helped raise large amounts of capital, strengthened patriotic sentiment, and provided a precedent for future government fundraising initiatives for public purposes. Therefore, Liberty Bonds have a significant place in history.


Liberty Bonds primarily served the purpose of financing wartime expenditures during World War I for the U.S. government. The federal government required expansive funding to cover the extensive costs of war, which include but not limited to soldiers’ salaries, war equipment and resources, and the support of allies. Selling these bonds to American citizens was a way to borrow money needed and consequently spreading the cost of war across the population. As a result, the government was able to mitigate the potential economic havoc that could result from immediate tax hikes to fund the war.Beyond its fiscal purpose, Liberty Bonds also played a significant role in galvanizing public support for the war. By purchasing Liberty Bonds, Americans felt they contributed positively to the war effort, boosting morale and fostering a sense of national unity. Plus, it served as a tool for citizens to prove their patriotism during a time of national crisis. Despite involving an element of financial risk for buyers, as the government could default on its payments, the socio-political implications were instrumental, making Liberty Bonds an amalgamation of economic strategy and patriotic act.


1. The Union Government of USA issued Liberty Bonds during World War I: To support the costs of the war, the U.S. government issued a series of war bonds known as Liberty Bonds between 1917 and 1919. The bond drive was crucial in raising funds for the war, helped to absorb the excess currency in circulation and control inflation.2. The use of celebrity endorsements for Liberty Bonds: During World War I, the U.S. Treasury Department used endorsements from celebrities like Charlie Chaplin, Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks to increase the sales of Liberty Bonds. They were used in publicity events, parades and other gatherings to rally the public and generate massive sales of the bonds.3. Public participation with Liberty Bonds in WWII: During World War II, the U.S. Government issued Liberty Bonds again as Series E bonds. These were available in denominations as low as $25, making it possible for everyday citizens to purchase and invest. It has been reported that by the end of the war, over 85 million Americans had bought war bonds, effectively funding approximately 60% of the war’s costs.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a Liberty Bond?

Liberty Bonds were government-issued, fixed interest debt securities introduced during World War I to finance U.S. military operations. They were sold to general civilians, which also served to encourage patriotism and support for the war cause.

When were Liberty Bonds first issued?

The first series of Liberty Bonds was issued in 1917, during World War I.

How many different issues of Liberty Bonds were there?

There were technically five different issues of Liberty Bonds – four during World War I and an additional one known as the Victory Liberty Loan was issued in 1919.

What was the purpose of the Liberty Bonds?

The purpose of the Liberty Bonds was to finance the military operations and other costs associated with World War I. They also served a dual purpose of reinforcing patriotism and general support for the war.

How much did Liberty Bonds cost?

The costs of Liberty Bonds varied depending on the series, but they were initially offered for sale at $50.

What was the interest rate for Liberty Bonds?

The interest rate for Liberty Bonds varied from 2.75% to 4.75%, depending on the series of the bond.

Were Liberty Bonds a good investment?

As with many investments, the answer depends on the context. For the period, the interest rates they paid were considered relatively attractive. However, there were instances, particularly with the Fourth Liberty Bond, where the bond prices fell dramatically within a year.

Are there similar bonds nowadays?

Yes, similar government-issued securities exist nowadays and are known as Treasury Bonds, Bills and Notes in the United States.

Can I still buy a Liberty Bond today?

No, all series of Liberty Bonds have reached maturity and can no longer be purchased from the government. However, they may still be found as collector’s items.

Related Finance Terms

  • Treasury Bonds: US government debt securities issued to support governmental operations, similar to Liberty Bonds used to raise funds for war expenses.
  • War Bond: Debt securities issued by governments specifically to finance military operations during war times. Liberty Bonds were a type of war bond issued during World War I by the United States.
  • Victory Bond: Similar to Liberty Bonds, these were bonds issued by the Canadian and US governments after World War I and II to pay off war debts.
  • Savings Bonds: A bond sold to the general public and issued by the Department of the Treasury, often used to finance education or retirement. They share similarities with Liberty Bonds by being a way for the public to lend money to the government.
  • Coupon Rate: The annual interest rate paid on a bond. Liberty Bonds also have a fixed coupon rate that’s paid to the bondholder.

Sources for More Information

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