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A leasehold is a type of property ownership where a person (the leaseholder) rents a property from a landlord (the freeholder) for a specified period. The leaseholder has the right to use and occupy the property during the lease term but does not own the land on which it stands. At the end of the lease term, the property reverts back to the freeholder, unless the lease is renewed or extended.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Leasehold” is: /ˈliːsˌhoʊld/

Key Takeaways

  1. Leasehold is a form of property ownership where a person owns the property for a fixed term, but not the land on which it is built. The land remains the property of the freeholder or landlord.
  2. Leasehold properties typically come with a lease agreement outlining the terms and the length of the lease, as well as the rights and responsibilities of both the leaseholder and the freeholder in regard to the property and land.
  3. Leaseholders may face costs and restrictions associated with leasehold ownership, including ground rent, service charges, and obtaining permission from the freeholder for certain alterations to the property. Additionally, a leasehold property’s value can decrease over time as the lease period gets shorter.


Leasehold is an important term in business and finance as it refers to a contractual arrangement where a party, known as the lessee, obtains the right to use a property or asset for a specified period without actually owning it. This arrangement offers a more affordable alternative to purchasing a property outright, which can be particularly beneficial for businesses looking to establish a physical presence without the significant capital expenditure. Furthermore, leasehold agreements often come with certain obligations and restrictions, making it crucial for both the lessees and property owners to be aware of their rights and responsibilities. Overall, understanding leasehold arrangements is essential for businesses seeking cost-effective solutions to secure premises or assets, while also ensuring that they are aware of the potential implications and legal commitments associated with such agreements.


Leasehold serves as an essential element in the real estate and business sectors, addressing the need for mediated, temporary ownership or occupation of property. In a leasehold arrangement, the lessee acquires the right to use an asset, such as land or a building, for a specified period without actually owning the underlying property. This contract-driven arrangement is designed to accommodate various interests: businesses seeking a location for a limited period, individuals who are unable or unwilling to purchase a property outright, or property owners who want to maintain ownership for long-term investment returns. Leaseholds provide a flexible alternative to purchasing property in rapidly changing market environments and high-value urban areas, where the initial investment might be too substantial for certain occupants.

More precisely, leasehold agreements are characterized by a predetermined lease period, generally ranging from 50 to 99 years, which can be renewed or extended based on the contract terms. Throughout the lease term, the lessee is responsible for rental payments as well as the property’s maintenance, repairs, or necessary modifications. These financial obligations are determined by the lease agreement, ensuring that the asset is purposefully utilized, preserved, and sustained to meet the lessee’s needs and goals while respecting the lessor’s interests. Meanwhile, the property owner (lessor) enjoys a steady income derived from the lease while preserving long-term asset ownership and the potential for future appreciation, alongside capitalizing on potential tax benefits and liability protection. Overall, the leasehold model promotes the flexible and productive use of assets in a way that benefits both property owners and occupants alike.


1. Retail Space Lease: A local clothing store enters into a lease agreement with the owner of a shopping mall to rent retail space for a period of 10 years. The clothing store pays a monthly rent to the mall owner, and in return, they can use the leased space for their store operations. This lease gives the clothing store the right to use the retail space for a specified period without actually owning the property. This is an example of a leasehold in the retail sector.

2. Office Space Lease: A software company decides to expand its operations and needs additional office space. The company signs a lease agreement with a commercial real estate developer for a specific area of office space in a business park. The software company agrees to pay a monthly rent for a term of 5 years and has the right to use the leased office space for conducting its business operations during the lease period. This example represents a leasehold in the commercial office space rental market.

3. Ground Lease for Industrial-use Land: A solar power generation company wishes to build a solar power plant on a large piece of land. Instead of purchasing the land, the company enters into a 30-year ground lease with the landowner. The solar power company agrees to lease the land for a specified annual rent and has the right to build and operate the power plant for the term of the lease. Once the lease is expired, the ownership and control of the power plant revert to the landowner unless the lease is renegotiated or extended. This is an example of a leasehold in an industrial real estate scenario.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a leasehold?

A leasehold is a type of property tenure where individuals or businesses can rent and occupy a property for a specified period of time through a lease agreement with the property owner. The leaseholder does not own the property and must return possession to the owner at the end of the lease term.

How long does a leasehold last?

Leasehold agreements can vary in length depending on the terms agreed upon by the property owner and leaseholder. Typically, leasehold agreements can last anywhere from a few years to even 99 or 125 years, but are generally limited. It is important for leaseholders to be aware of the remaining lease term.

What is the difference between leasehold and freehold?

Leasehold refers to owning the right to occupy a property for a certain period, but not the land on which it sits, while freehold refers to owning the property outright, including both the building and the land it is built on. Freeholders have no time limit to their ownership, while leaseholders own the property only for the duration of the lease agreement.

Are leaseholds more affordable?

Leaseholds generally have lower upfront costs compared to freeholds, as you are only paying for the right to occupy the property for a certain time period. However, leaseholders may also have ongoing expenses such as ground rent, service charges for maintenance, and fees for obtaining lease extensions or purchasing the freehold.

What is ground rent?

Ground rent is an annual fee paid by the leaseholder to the freeholder or landowner as a condition of the lease agreement. Ground rent can be either a fixed amount or subject to periodic increase, as defined in the lease agreement.

Can I extend my lease or purchase the freehold as a leaseholder?

Yes, in many cases, leaseholders have the right to extend their lease or buy the freehold, subject to certain criteria and conditions. However, this process can involve considerable costs and legal procedures. It is recommended to consult a professional advisor to understand your specific situation.

What responsibilities do leaseholders have?

As occupants of the property, leaseholders are responsible for maintaining and repairing the interior of the property. Additionally, leaseholders must abide by the terms set forth in the lease agreement, including payment of ground rent and service charges when applicable.

What happens when the lease term ends?

Once the lease term ends, the possession of the property reverts back to the freeholder unless the leaseholder negotiates a lease extension or successfully purchases the freehold. If the lease expires, the leaseholder loses the right to occupy the property and may face legal consequences if they refuse to vacate the premises.

Related Finance Terms

  • Lease Agreement
  • Lease Term
  • Leasehold Improvements
  • Ground Rent
  • Lease Renewal Option

Sources for More Information

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