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Interest Expense


Interest expense refers to the cost incurred by an entity for borrowed funds. It is the price paid for using someone else’s money, usually expressed as an annual percentage rate. In a company’s income statement, this expense can reduce taxable income, thereby indirectly reducing the amount of tax payable.


The phonetics of the keyword “Interest Expense” is: “ˈɪn tər ɛst ɪkˈspɛns”

Key Takeaways


  1. Interest Expense Definition: Interest Expense refers to the cost incurred by an entity for borrowed funds. It is the price paid for the use of borrowed money or money earned by deposited funds.
  2. Accounting Aspect: In accounting, interest expense is considered a non-operating expense that appears on the income statement. It happens due to the company’s ongoing efforts to fund its operations or expansion.
  3. Impacts on Taxes: Interest Expense can lower a company’s taxable income and tax liability because it is deductable on the company’s income tax return. Therefore, some firms strategically plan their interest expenses to optimize tax benefits.



Interest expense is a critical term in business and finance as it directly impacts a company’s bottom line. Essentially, it represents the cost of borrowed money, or the charges a company incurs due to its debts. It is deducted from a company’s earnings before calculation of income tax because it is a business expense. By analyzing interest expense over time, companies can assess their debt management strategies and solvency, and make informed borrowing decisions. Additionally, external stakeholders such as investors or creditors also scrutinize this figure to understand a company’s financial health, risk level, and profitability. Therefore, the management of interest expenses plays a significant role in corporate financial strategy and overall business operations.


Interest expense is a major component associated with the cost of borrowings that companies or individuals incur. Its main purpose is to serve as the cost over a given period for funds that are borrowed. This cost is essentially what borrowers have to pay over and above the principal amount lent, for leveraging the lender’s money. Whether it is a loan, mortgage, or credit, all forms of borrowings involve interest expense which the borrower is legally obliged to pay.Importantly, from a business perspective, interest expense plays a pivotal role in financial analysis and management. It helps in assessing the financial health of a business by revealing the costs the company bears for its debts. For instance, higher interest expenses may indicate excessive borrowings and potential financial risk. Furthermore, interest expenses are tax-deductible for companies, reducing taxable income and providing tax savings. In financial statements, it can be found in the income statement, offering insights into the company’s operating performance and profitability.


1. Mortgages: When an individual or a business entity borrows money from a bank or financial institution to purchase property, they must pay back the loan amount and an additional cost known as the interest expense. For example, if you take out a $500,000 loan from a bank with a 5% annual interest rate, your interest expense for the first year would be approximately $25,000.2. Credit Cards: These are another common example of interest expense. When you use your credit card and don’t pay off your balance in full each month, the credit card company charges you an interest expense on the remaining balance. This expense, often referred to as finance charges, increases the cost of the items you bought.3. Corporate Bonds: When a corporation issues bonds to raise capital, they are essentially taking out loans from bondholders. The company must pay interest to the bondholders as a form of return for their investment. This interest is considered an expense for the company. For example, if a company issues $1 million worth of bonds with a 6% annual interest rate, their interest expense would amount to $60,000 annually.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Interest Expense?

Interest Expense is the cost incurred by an entity for borrowed funds. It represents the interest payable on any borrowings such as loans, bonds, or lines of credit.

How is Interest Expense calculated?

The calculation of interest expense is based on the principle amount, interest rate, and the duration for which the money is borrowed.

Where can I locate Interest Expense on a financial report?

Interest Expense typically appears as a line item on an entity’s Income Statement – it is subtracted from revenue or gross income in order to determine net income.

Is Interest Expense tax deductible?

Yes, in many countries interest expenses are often tax deductible. The ability to deduct these expenses can decrease the net cost of borrowing for the company.

Can Interest Expense impact profitability?

Yes, high interest expenses can substantially reduce the net income of a company, thereby affecting its profitability.

How can a company minimize their Interest Expense?

A company can minimize their Interest Expense by lowering their debt, decreasing the interest rate on their debt, or managing their assets more effectively to generate higher returns.

What is the difference between Interest Expense and Interest Payable?

Interest Expense is the cost of the funds that have been used during a specific period, regardless of whether they have been paid or not. Interest Payable, on the other hand, is the total interest that is owed regardless of when it will be paid.

Is Interest Expense an operating or a non-operating expense?

Interest Expense is typically categorized as a non-operating expense as it does not arise from a company’s core operations.

How can Interest Expense impact a company’s financial ratios?

Interest expense can affect several key financial ratios. For instance, it can decrease the return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE), as it reduces net income. It can also increase the debt-to-equity ratio if the company takes on additional debt to meet interest payments.

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