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HUF (Hungarian Forint)


The Hungarian Forint (HUF) is the official currency of Hungary. It is issued and regulated by the Hungarian National Bank. The HUF is subdivided into fillér, although fillér coins are no longer in circulation.


The phonetics of the keyword “HUF” (Hungarian Forint) is “aitch-yoo-ef”.

Key Takeaways


  1. The Hungarian Forint (HUF) is the official currency of Hungary. It’s administered by the country’s central bank, the Magyar Nemzeti Bank.
  2. Please note that Hungary, despite being a member of the European Union, has not adopted the Euro as their currency. Therefore, the HUF is still widely in use for all transactions in the country.
  3. The currency’s symbol is Ft, and it’s made up of 100 filler, although filler coins are no longer in circulation.



The business/finance term HUF, which stands for Hungarian Forint, holds significance as it represents the official currency of Hungary, a country in Central Europe. The performance and value of HUF can impact the economic environment in Hungary and potentially influence global financial markets, especially within Europe. For international businesses and investors, understanding the fluctuations and trends of the HUF can be vital for making informed decisions related to trade, investment, and foreign exchange. Furthermore, significant changes in the value of HUF might also affect the international purchasing power of Hungary, thereby having a potential influence on global economic activity. Thus, understanding the HUF is critical from a financial perspective.


The Hungarian Forint (HUF), the official currency of Hungary, operates as a crucial tool in the country’s economic activities. It’s used for all types of transactions, from day-to-day individual purchases such as groceries, to business-to-business transactions and larger government expenditures. Being the national currency, it works as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and a store of value. It’s also the benchmark for valuing goods and services within the country, which aids in stabilizing and monitoring the Hungarian economy.In addition, the Hungarian Forint is important in international trade and foreign exchange markets. Given that it is a fully convertible currency, businesses and investors trading in international markets with Hungarian counterparts often need to convert their domestic currency into HUF to conduct these transactions. Moreover, the value of the Forint in the foreign exchange markets compared to other currencies can provide a strong indicator of Hungary’s economic condition and stability, influencing investment decisions and the confidence of foreign investors.


1. Forex Trading: Financial traders often deal with foreign currencies, including the Hungarian Forint. They bet on the appreciation or depreciation of the Forint (HUF) against other currencies like the Euro or USD. Hence, depending upon the economic conditions, political stability, and other factors, the value of HUF can fluctuate, affecting the profits and losses of these traders.2. Tourism: Tourists traveling to Hungary will need to convert their home country’s currency into HUF to make purchases while they’re there. For example, an American tourist visiting Hungary might need to purchase HUF before or upon arrival to pay for meals, accommodations, and other expenses, which all require an understanding of the exchange rate between their home currency, in this case, USD, and HUF.3. International Business: A business based in the UK planning to set up a branch in Hungary will need to deal with expenses in HUF. As part of their financial planning, they will need to handle conversions between British Pounds and Hungarian Forint and manage exchange rate risks. Changes in the value of the HUF can significantly impact the cost of their operations and, consequently, the profitability of the Hungarian branch.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is the Hungarian Forint (HUF)?

The Hungarian Forint (HUF) is the official currency of Hungary. It was introduced on 1st August 1946, after the previous currency, the Pengő, experienced severe hyperinflation.

What does the term ‘HUF’ represent in financial markets?

‘HUF’ is the currency code used in the forex market for the Hungarian Forint. It is standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Is the Hungarian Forint subdivided into any smaller units?

No, since 1999, the Hungarian Forint is not divided into any smaller units. Coins and banknotes are issued by the Hungarian National Bank.

How can I exchange my currency to HUF?

You can exchange your currency to HUF at banks, online platforms, or exchange outlets. The exchange rates fluctuate based on the market.

How stable is the Hungarian Forint?

The stability of the Hungarian Forint can vary, like all currencies, based on economic factors. You should check recent financial news or refer to a trusted financial adviser for accurate and up-to-date information.

Can I use Euros instead of HUF in Hungary?

Although Hungary is a member of the European Union, it does not use the Euro as its currency. While some businesses might accept Euros, it’s generally advised to have Forints on hand.

Is digital or plastic money popular in Hungary or do I need to carry HUF in cash?

Although credit and debit card payments are widely accepted in Hungary, it’s a good idea to carry some cash, particularly in smaller towns and more rural areas.

How is the exchange rate for HUF determined?

The exchange rate for HUF is determined by the foreign exchange market, where currency is bought and sold. Factors that influence this rate include interest rates, economic stability, inflation, and political news.

Related Finance Terms

  • Exchange Rate: The value of the Hungarian Forint against other currencies.
  • Inflation: The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services in Hungary is rising, and subsequently, the purchasing power of the HUF is falling.
  • Central Bank Rate: The interest rate set by the Hungarian National Bank, which influences the borrowing costs of the HUF.
  • Currency Reserves: The foreign currency deposits held by the Hungarian National Bank that are used to influence the value of the HUF.
  • Monetary Policy: The Hungarian National Bank’s actions to control the money supply, often to stabilize inflation or the exchange rate of HUF.

Sources for More Information

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