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In finance, a “gap” refers to the difference between two consecutive prices or levels in a chart, typically represented by two separate data points. Gaps often occur when significant news or events take place outside of market hours, causing a sharp change in value upon market reopening. They can also appear in supply and demand levels of a security, thereby signaling possible shifts in trends and future price movements.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Gap” is /ɡæp/.

Key Takeaways

  1. What is a gap in finance? A gap in finance is a difference between the current state of a company’s finances and its desired state. This gap can be caused by a number of factors, such as changes in the economy, the company’s industry, or the company’s own internal operations.
  2. Types of gaps in finance. There are many different types of gaps in finance, but some of the most common include:
    • Cash flow gap: This is the difference between the company’s expected cash inflows and outflows.
    • Working capital gap: This is the difference between the company’s current assets and current liabilities.
    • Capital expenditure gap: This is the difference between the company’s planned capital expenditures and its available cash flow.
  3. How to close a gap in finance. There are a number of ways to close a gap in finance, but some of the most common include:
    • Reducing expenses: This can be done by negotiating better deals with suppliers, reducing staff, or cutting back on unnecessary spending.
    • Increasing revenues: This can be done by increasing sales, raising prices, or expanding into new markets.
    • Raising capital: This can be done by issuing debt, equity, or both.


The business/finance term “gap” is important because it helps companies and investors identify discrepancies or imbalances between supply and demand, revenues and expenses, or any other related financial performance aspects. By analyzing gaps, businesses can pinpoint areas of inefficiency, missed opportunities, or inconsistent performance, allowing them to make informed decisions to bridge the gap and optimize their operations. Additionally, gaps can indicate potential risks or vulnerabilities within a market or investment portfolio, enabling investors to make strategic adjustments and mitigate potential losses. Overall, understanding and addressing gaps is crucial to ensure sustainable growth, profitability, and long-term success in an ever-changing business environment.


Gap analysis is an essential tool companies use to analyze the discrepancy between their current performance and the desired future performance. It bridges the gap between the two states by identifying and assessing the organization’s strategic vision and practical goals. A crucial function of gap analysis lies in pinpointing the specific areas within the business that need improvement and development, thereby allowing the company to allocate resources efficiently and effectively.

In finance, gap analysis helps businesses and investors evaluate the risks and opportunities associated with market fluctuations and potential changes in the economic environment. By identifying areas of vulnerability and opportunities for growth, organizations can better align their financial strategies and resource allocation to meet or exceed future expectations. Furthermore, gap analysis aids in decision-making processes, enabling stakeholders to prioritize initiatives and attain a better overall competitive position. Ultimately, the purpose of gap analysis is to drive continuous improvement, optimize performance, and enhance value creation for businesses in the long run.


1. Gap in Earnings: In 2015, Apple Inc. experienced a significant gap between its projected and actual earnings for the second quarter. The estimated earnings per share were $2.16, but the actual earnings per share came in at $1.85, which was a considerable gap of $0.31. This difference led to fluctuations in Apple’s stock price, which impacted both investors and the overall valuation of the company.

2. Gap in Market Demand and Production: In the automobile industry, electric vehicle producers such as Tesla have experienced gaps in market demand and production. In 2018, as orders for the Tesla Model 3 increased much faster than the production capacity of the company, there was a gap between the demand for the cars and Tesla’s ability to manufacture them. This gap resulted in long wait times for customers and had a dramatic effect on the company’s revenue.

3. Unemployment Gap: An unemployment gap is a gap that exists between the actual unemployment rate and the natural rate of unemployment in an economy. For example, during the 2009 global financial crisis, the U.S. unemployment rate rose to 10%, which was significantly higher than the estimated natural rate of unemployment of around 4% to 5%. This gap indicated a potential weak point in the economy, and signaled the need for the government and central banks to implement policies aimed at improving labor market conditions and stimulating economic growth.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a Gap in finance and business terms?

A Gap refers to a notable difference between the closing price of a financial asset, such as a stock or a currency, and its opening price in the next time period like the following day, week or month. It is usually represented as a blank space on a price chart, as the asset did not trade at that particular price level within that time frame.

What are the different types of Gaps?

There are four main types of Gaps:1. Common Gap: These gaps occur during normal trading activities and lack any significant underlying reason or news. They usually close quickly.2. Breakaway Gap: These gaps occur when a financial asset price moves out of a significant price pattern or formation, like a trend line or trading range, signaling a potential change in the trend.3. Continuation or Runaway Gap: These gaps indicate the continuation of an existing trend, suggesting that the market participants are still enthusiastic about the current direction.4. Exhaustion Gap: These gaps occur near the end of a price trend and signal a possible trend reversal. It is typically accompanied by decreasing volume and market sentiment.

Why are Gaps important in trading and technical analysis?

Gaps are useful indicators for traders and investors as they can provide insights into market sentiment, strength of a trend, potential trend reversals, and entry/exit points. Analyzing gaps can help traders make informed decisions and develop effective strategies based on the prevailing market conditions.

Can Gaps be closed, and what does it mean when a Gap closes?

Yes, Gaps can be closed. A Gap closure occurs when the asset price moves back to the original price level before the Gap occurred, essentially filling the blank space on the chart. A closed Gap often suggests that the market sentiment has changed or the reason for the Gap has been negated. It can also indicate a potential reversal in the given time frame.

How can I trade Gaps effectively?

Trading Gaps effectively requires a solid understanding of the different types of Gaps, their implications, and the overall market context. Traders should use Gap analysis in conjunction with other technical indicators, such as patterns, support and resistance levels, and volume analysis. It is essential to manage risk with appropriate stop-loss orders and realistic profit targets to ensure the potential reward outweighs the risk.

Related Finance Terms

  • Gap Analysis
  • Gap Financing
  • Gap Risk
  • Bid-Ask Spread
  • Revenue Gap

Sources for More Information

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