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Foreign Currency Swap


A foreign currency swap is a financial instrument that two parties use to exchange interest, and principal in one currency, for the same in another currency. It involves the transfer of principal and interest payments on a loan made in one currency for principal and interest payments of a similar loan in another currency. It’s typically used to obtain foreign currencies at more favorable rates or to hedge against exchange rate risk.


The phonetic transcription of “Foreign Currency Swap” is:/ˈfɔr.ɪn ˈkɝː.nsi swɑːp/

Key Takeaways

  1. Exchange of Principal and Interest Rates: A foreign currency swap involves two parties that exchange, or “swap,” the principal amount and interest in one currency for the same in another currency. By doing this, each party can protect themselves against foreign exchange risk. Once the contract expires, the parties swap again using either the initial exchange rate or a pre-agreed one.
  2. Hedging Against Risk: This is a common technique used by companies and financial institutions to hedge exposure to foreign exchange risk. Especially when they are dealing with significant amounts of foreign currency, as they can lock in the current exchange rate and protect themselves from future changes in currency valuations.
  3. Benefits and Risks: By entering into a foreign currency swap, a company can potentially reduce its costs, especially if it has a more favourable interest rate in another currency. However, these swaps can also carry risks, such as the potential for the other party to default on its obligations or the risk that changes in exchange rates could increase the cost of the swap.


A Foreign Currency Swap is of great significance in business and finance because it provides protection against potential losses caused by fluctuations in foreign exchange rates for businesses operating in international markets. This tool enables entities to borrow in foreign currencies through agreement with another party and swap their cash flows, mitigating the currency risk by creating certainty about future costs in their home currency. Moreover, it also provides access to cheaper funding opportunities and liquidity in different currencies which might not be easily available otherwise. Thus, foreign currency swaps are crucial for effective risk management and may impact the profitability, cash flow stability, and financial health of businesses involved in international trade.


Foreign Currency Swap is a financial tool predominantly used by businesses and institutions to handle risks associated with fluctuations in exchange rates. Often utilized in global businesses, the primary purpose of this instrument is to hedge currency risk, secure cheaper debt and to mitigate potential losses from foreign investment. By using a foreign currency swap, companies can dodge any adverse financial impact if the exchange rate moves unfavorably in the future. This is particularly helpful for companies conducting transactions in foreign currencies or holding foreign investments.Moreover, businesses employ foreign currency swaps as a funding strategy to obtain foreign currency loans at a less expensive rate. For instance, if a company situated in Country A has a lower interest rate for its currency compared to Country B, a company in Country B might opt for a currency swap to take advantage of the lower interest rates in Country A. Then, the company can use the funds to finance its operations in Country B, saving on interest costs. It enables businesses to exploit the global capital markets more effectively.


1. Airbus Currency Swap: Airbus, a European aircraft manufacturer, makes most of its sales in US dollars, but incurs most of its costs in Euros. To manage the currency risk associated with its sales, Airbus often enters into foreign currency swap contracts. It exchanges Euros for Dollars at the start of the swap and re-exchanges them at the maturity date. This provides the company with certainty about the funds it will receive in Euros, eliminating the risk of currency fluctuations.2. World Bank’s First Swap: In 1981, the World Bank needed to borrow Swiss Francs but didn’t want to be exposed to potential currency fluctuations. It took a loan from IBM in dollars and swapped it for the Swiss Francs IBM had borrowed previously, thus creating the first ever publicly-disclosed currency swap. This way, both parties were able to borrow in the currency they wanted without being exposed to foreign exchange rate risk. 3. Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs: Back in 2001, Deutsche Bank entered into a 20-year foreign currency swap with Goldman Sachs, betting against the dollar depreciating. They swapped $1 billion in US currency for approximately €1.06 billion in European currency. If the Euro appreciated against the Dollar in the 20-year period, Goldman Sachs would have to pay more in Dollars to Deutsche Bank to maintain the agreed exchange rate at the swap contract’s maturity, providing Deutsche Bank with a significant profit.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a Foreign Currency Swap?

A Foreign Currency Swap is a financial instrument that two entities use to exchange interest in one currency for equal interest in another currency. This can involve the principal amounts or only the associated interest payments.

How does a Foreign Currency Swap work?

A Foreign Currency Swap works when two parties agree to exchange a set amount of one currency for another. They will then reverse this transaction at a pre-agreed future date, either at the same or different exchange rate.

Why would a company need a Foreign Currency Swap?

Companies often utilize Foreign Currency Swaps to manage foreign exchange exposure, hedge against currency risk, or exploit perceived inefficiencies in interest rate markets.

What are the key components of a Foreign Currency Swap?

The principal terms of a Foreign Currency Swap include the principal amounts to be swapped, the two currencies involved, the annuity period, the specific dates of exchange, and the exchange rates at initiation and termination of the contract.

Are Foreign Currency Swaps risky?

Like any financial instrument, Foreign Currency Swaps carry risk. The most prominent risk is exchange rate risk, as changes in rate can affect the cost of the swap. There may also be default risk if one party fails to uphold their end of the agreement.

Who uses Foreign Currency Swaps?

Both financial and non-financial entities use Foreign Currency Swaps. This includes commercial banks, investment funds, and multinational corporations.

How are Foreign Currency Swaps settled?

Most Foreign Currency Swaps are cash settled, meaning that the parties involved fulfill their contractual obligations through a cash payment.

What’s the difference between Currency Swaps and Foreign Exchange Swaps?

While both involve exchanging one currency for another, a Foreign Exchange Swap involves two transactions, a purchase, and a sale, while a Foreign Currency Swap involves swapping both principal and interest between the parties.

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Sources for More Information

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