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Callable Bond


A callable bond is a type of bond that allows the issuer to redeem the bond before its maturity date. The issuer typically has the right to call the bond at specified call dates and predetermined prices. This feature provides flexibility to the issuer to refinance the debt if interest rates decline or to remove the debt from their balance sheet if desired.


The phonetics of the keyword “Callable Bond” are: – /ˈkɔːləbəl/ (Callable)- /bɒnd/ (Bond)

Key Takeaways

  1. A Callable Bond is a type of bond that allows the issuer (usually a company or a government) to redeem the bond before its maturity date. This gives the issuer flexibility to refinance their debt or take advantage of lower interest rates, as they can buy back the bonds earlier than expected when it is financially beneficial for them.
  2. Investors in Callable Bonds are exposed to a potential risk known as call risk, which arises from the possibility of the issuer calling the bond before its maturity date. As a result, the investor may face lower income streams or have to reinvest the funds in a lower interest rate environment. Usually, Callable Bonds offer a higher yield compared to non-callable bonds as compensation for this risk.
  3. The terms and conditions of a Callable Bond, such as the call date(s) and call price(s), are set during the issuance process. These provide information on when the issuer has the option to call the bond and the price at which they can do so. It is crucial for investors to fully understand the call provisions of a bond before investing, in order to properly assess the associated risks and potential returns.


The term “Callable Bond” is important in business and finance because it provides corporations and governments with flexibility in managing their debt while offering investors potentially higher yields. Callable bonds enable issuers to minimize interest costs by redeeming the bonds before their maturity date at a predetermined price, or call price, when market interest rates fall. This feature is advantageous to issuers but also introduces an element of risk for investors, as the bond may be redeemed before it matures. Consequently, investors typically demand a premium or higher interest rate for callable bonds in return for that added risk. By clearly understanding the implications of callable bonds, both issuers and investors can make informed decisions when it comes to debt management and investment strategies, respectively.


A callable bond serves as a valuable financial instrument primarily for the issuer, allowing for greater flexibility and adaptability to changing market conditions. The purpose of a callable bond is to grant the issuer the right, but not the obligation, to redeem the bond before its maturity date. This feature is particularly beneficial when interest rates decline, enabling issuers to effectively reduce their borrowing costs by paying off existing high-interest debt and refinance it with new, lower yielding bonds. As a result, callable bonds act as a strategic financial tool that organizations can use to actively manage their capital structures and minimize long-term interest costs, providing a significant advantage over a traditional non-callable bond. Investors, on the other hand, assume a higher risk when purchasing callable bonds due to the inherent uncertainty of potential early redemption. To compensate for this increased risk, callable bonds typically offer a higher yield compared to non-callable bonds with similar maturity and credit ratings. While investors enjoy the benefits of higher yields and enhanced income, they must also remain vigilant of interest rate fluctuations that may lead to the bond being called. In essence, a callable bond caters to both the issuer’s need for flexibility and the investor’s appetite for higher returns, striking a delicate balance between risk and reward in the realm of fixed-income securities.


1. Apple Inc.’s Callable Bonds: In 2015, Apple Inc. issued a series of callable bonds worth $6.5 billion, with a maturity date of 2025. These bonds were callable beginning in February 2020, allowing Apple the option to repurchase the bonds at a predetermined price before their maturity date if market conditions were favorable. By issuing the callable bonds, Apple aimed to lower interest expenses if market interest rates decreased over time. 2. Verizon Communication’s Callable Bonds: In 2013, Verizon Communications issued a massive $49 billion worth of bonds to finance its acquisition of Vodafone’s stake in Verizon Wireless. Part of that issuance included $10.43 billion worth of callable bonds. These bonds had a 5.15% coupon with a 30-year maturity and were callable after 10 years. With this feature, Verizon retained the option to restructure its long-term financing if market conditions changed and provided them with greater financial flexibility. 3. Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)’s Callable Bonds: In 2016, the MTA in New York issued a series of callable bonds to refinance some existing debt and fund capital projects. With over $2.5 billion in callable bonds issued, the bonds were structured to be callable 10 years after the date of issuance. Employing callable bonds allowed the MTA to retain the flexibility to manage its future debt obligation and potentially take advantage of lower interest rates in the market.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is a callable bond?
A callable bond is a type of debt security that allows the issuer to redeem the bond before the maturity date. The issuer has the right, but not the obligation, to repurchase the bond at a specified callable price, often at a premium over face value.
Why would a company issue a callable bond?
Companies issue callable bonds to take advantage of potential decreases in interest rates in the future or to have the flexibility to refinance their debt. When interest rates drop, the issuer can redeem the outstanding callable bonds and issue new bonds at lower interest rates, which can lower their overall cost of capital.
How is the yield to call different from the yield to maturity?
Yield to call is a measure of the annual return an investor receives if the bond is called by the issuer before the maturity date, while yield to maturity is the annual return an investor receives if the bond is held to maturity. Since callable bonds have the potential to be redeemed before the maturity date, their yield to call may differ from the yield to maturity.
Are callable bonds riskier for investors?
Callable bonds can carry additional risks for investors as the issuer has the ability to redeem them before the maturity date, which may result in a lower yield to call compared to the yield to maturity. This event is known as call risk, which is the risk that the issuer exercises the call option when interest rates are lower, forcing the investor to reinvest the proceeds in lower-yielding securities.
How do you calculate the call price of a callable bond?
The call price of a callable bond is typically stated in the bond indenture or prospectus. It is usually expressed as a percentage of the bond’s face value, often at a premium to incentivize investors to hold the bond despite the call risk.
What are non-callable bonds?
Non-callable bonds, also known as bullet bonds, are debt securities that cannot be redeemed by the issuer before their maturity date. As such, they provide investors with more certainty in terms of interest payments and maturity, generally leading to lower yields compared to callable bonds.
How can investors protect themselves from call risk?
Investors may minimize call risk by diversifying their bond portfolio with a mix of callable and non-callable bonds, paying attention to the call schedules of the callable bonds, and choosing bonds with call protection periods or favorable call provisions that help reduce the likelihood of the bond being called early.

Related Finance Terms

  • Call Provision
  • Call Date
  • Call Premium
  • Yield to Call
  • Make-whole Call

Sources for More Information

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