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Acquisition refers to the process by which one company purchases and takes ownership of another company, typically by buying a majority stake in its stocks or assets. This strategic move allows the acquiring firm to expand its market presence, reduce competition, or gain access to new resources and technologies. Acquisitions can be either friendly, where both parties agree to the arrangement, or hostile, where the acquiring company pursues the acquisition against the target company’s wishes.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Acquisition” is: /ˌakwəˈziSHən/

Key Takeaways

  1. Acquisition refers to the process of obtaining or gaining possession of an asset, resources, or target company in the business world. This can be done through a purchase, merger, or a combination of both.
  2. There are several reasons for acquisitions, including business expansion, diversification, enhancing industry positioning, and achieving economies of scale. Successful acquisitions can result in increased market share, reduced competition, and improved efficiency.
  3. Despite the potential advantages, acquisitions can be complicated and risky. Due diligence and careful integration planning are essential to ensure that the expected benefits are realized and potential issues such as cultural clashes, financial complications, and regulatory concerns are addressed.


The term “acquisition” holds significant importance in the business and finance world, as it refers to the process of one company purchasing another, either partially or entirely. Understanding the concept of acquisition is vital because it can facilitate growth, expansion, and diversification for the acquiring company, which in turn, can lead to increased market share, enhanced profitability, and improved competitive positioning. In addition, acquisitions can be a strategic tool for businesses to access new technologies, talent, markets, or intellectual property, ultimately contributing to the overall success and long-term sustainability of the organization. Furthermore, studying and analyzing acquisition trends can provide valuable insights into the broader economic climate and industry dynamics.


Acquisition is a strategic business tool often used by companies to achieve specific growth objectives and maintain a competitive edge in the market. The purpose of an acquisition is to create synergies by combining the resources, capabilities, and market presence of two entities. It enables the acquiring firm to diversify its product offerings, expand market reach, exploit economies of scale, and gain access to new technologies and expertise. By acquiring a company with a strong market position, the acquirer may also benefit from increased market share, better pricing power, and an improved ability to attract and retain top talent. The acquired firm, in turn, may receive access to funds, resources, and the management expertise that it may not have previously had, to grow and innovate further. One of the primary purposes of acquisitions is to facilitate growth in a faster and more cost-effective manner than organic expansion. Instead of investing time and resources in developing new products, services, or distribution channels, a company can leverage the already existing infrastructure and customer base of the acquired entity. In this way, acquisitions can act as a catalyst for business growth, spurring innovation, fostering cross-functional collaboration, and ultimately, increasing shareholder value. Through successful acquisitions, businesses can also mitigate risks, consolidate a fragmented market, or dispose of underperforming assets, opening up new opportunities for future growth and success.


1. Disney’s Acquisition of 21st Century Fox:In 2019, the Walt Disney Company completed its acquisition of 21st Century Fox in a deal worth approximately $71.3 billion. This acquisition included key Fox assets such as 20th Century Fox film and television studios, cable networks like FX and National Geographic, and Fox’s 30% stake in streaming platform Hulu. This acquisition significantly expanded Disney’s content library and helped the company establish a strong footprint in the entertainment industry. 2. Microsoft’s Acquisition of LinkedIn:In 2016, Microsoft acquired LinkedIn, the professional social networking site, for $26.2 billion. The acquisition aimed to strengthen Microsoft’s position in the business software market and integrate LinkedIn’s user base with Microsoft’s suite of products and services, such as Office 365 and Dynamics 365. Microsoft sought to leverage LinkedIn’s extensive professional network and user data to enhance its products, ultimately creating new business opportunities. 3. Heinz’s Acquisition of Kraft Foods:In 2015, H.J. Heinz Company and Kraft Foods Group merged to form the Kraft Heinz Company in a $45 billion deal. The merger was backed by investment firms Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital and created the third-largest food and beverage company in North America. The acquisition provided strategic advantages including cost-cutting measures, international expansion, and a diversified product portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is an acquisition?
An acquisition is a corporate action where one company, the buyer, acquires ownership or controlling interest in another company, the target, by purchasing its shares, assets, or both.
How does an acquisition differ from a merger?
In an acquisition, the buying company maintains control of the combined entity, while the target company may lose its identity. In a merger, two or more companies join together to create a new entity, with shared control and ownership.
What are the potential benefits of an acquisition?
Acquisitions can offer various benefits, such as increased market share, cost synergies, enhanced product or service offerings, expansion into new markets, and diversification of the company’s portfolio.
What are the types of acquisitions?
Acquisitions can be categorized into:1. Horizontal acquisition: where the buyer and the target operate in the same industry and are at the same level in the supply chain.2. Vertical acquisition: where the buyer acquires a company in its supply chain, either a supplier (backward integration) or a customer (forward integration).3. Conglomerate acquisition: where the buyer and target companies operate in different industries.
How is an acquisition financed?
Acquisitions can be financed using cash, debt, equity, or a combination of these. In a cash acquisition, the buyer acquires the target company by paying cash or providing a cash equivalent. In an equity acquisition, the buyer issues new shares of its stock to the shareholders of the target company. For debt-financed acquisitions, the buyer often obtain loans, bonds, or other debt instruments to fund the purchase.
How does the acquisition process typically unfold?
The acquisition process generally follows these stages:1. Identification of potential targets2. Valuation and due diligence3. Negotiation of terms and deal structure4. Drafting and signing of definitive agreements5. Regulatory approval6. Shareholder approval (if necessary)7. Closing of the deal8. Integration of the acquired business
What are some potential challenges or risks associated with acquisitions?
Acquisitions can face various challenges, such as integration issues, cultural differences, regulatory hurdles, overpayment for the target company, and potential loss of key employees from either company. Additionally, promised benefits, such as cost synergies, may not materialize at the expected levels.

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