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Accretive is a financial term used to describe an action, transaction, or investment that contributes positively to the growth of a company’s earnings or value. It often refers to acquisitions or mergers, where the combined earnings per share (EPS) of the entities involved are higher than the individual EPS before the transaction. In essence, accretive actions result in net benefits and enhanced value for shareholders.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “accretive” is: /əˈkriːtɪv/

Key Takeaways

  1. Accretive is a financial term that refers to the incremental growth or increase in value of an investment, merger, or acquisition. It typically signifies a positive impact on a company’s earnings and overall financial performance.
  2. In the context of mergers and acquisitions, an accretive deal is one where the acquiring company’s earnings per share (EPS) increase as a result of the acquisition. This can be due to cost savings, increased market share, or synergies that result in higher revenue growth.
  3. Accretive investments or actions are generally considered favorable, as they contribute to a company’s financial growth and long-term value. However, it is essential to evaluate accretive deals carefully, considering the associated risks and potential impacts on the company’s financial position and competitive advantage.


The business and finance term “accretive” is important because it signifies an increase in an investment’s value, earnings per share, or other financial metrics through acquisitions, organic growth, or other strategic business activities. In essence, it measures the positive impact of such activities on a company’s financial performance, shareholder value, and overall profitability. Accretive transactions can lead to improved operational efficiency, competitive positioning, and expansion capabilities, which ultimately contribute to a company’s long-term success and growth. Understanding the concept of accretion is crucial for investors, analysts, and stakeholders to evaluate and make informed decisions about a company’s financial health, strategic direction, and investment potential.


Accretive is a finance and business term that refers to the positive impact resulting from specific corporate activities, such as mergers, acquisitions, or other growth strategies, that ultimately leads to an increase in the overall value of the company. The purpose of utilizing accretive activities is to enhance shareholder value and improve financial performance through strategic decisions, expansion, or diversification. When a transaction is deemed accretive, it is expected to lead to higher earnings per share (EPS) for the company, potentially resulting in a larger market capitalization and a more favorable outlook from investors. An accretive transaction is particularly valuable as it demonstrates the company’s ability to allocate resources effectively and generate value for its shareholders. In many cases, an acquisition is considered accretive if it results in synergy, leading to cost savings or improved revenue streams, which in turn augments the EPS. Essentially, accretive activities showcase a company’s commitment to developing and expanding its market position, while reinforcing investors’ confidence in its long-term growth potential. By engaging in accretive transactions, firms can fortify their market presence, boost profitability, and deliver superior returns to their shareholders, establishing a strong financial foundation for continued success.


1. Merger and Acquisition: In 2018, when T-Mobile and Sprint announced their merger, it was stated that the deal would be accretive to T-Mobile’s earnings per share (EPS). Following the merger, T-Mobile’s earnings were expected to increase in comparison to its financial position before the merger. The merged entity could achieve cost savings by combining their resources, eliminating redundancies, and improving operational efficiencies, which ultimately benefited the new company’s shareholders. 2. Stock Buyback: In 2014, Apple Inc. announced a $90 billion stock buyback program, which was considered accretive as it would reduce the number of outstanding shares and improve their earnings per share (EPS). By buying back its own shares, Apple concentrated its earnings among fewer shares, thereby increasing the value of the remaining shares and benefiting the existing shareholders. 3. Real Estate Investment: A real estate investor purchases a property with the intention of renting it out to generate a consistent cash flow. Over time, as property values and rental prices increase in the area, the investor’s rental income also increases. This increased cash flow from the property is accretive to the investor’s overall income, as it adds value to their investment portfolio by increasing the total return on investment.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What does the term “accretive” mean in finance and business?
Accretive refers to a process that contributes to the growth or increase in value of an asset or company, typically through earnings, acquisitions, or expansions. It is often used to indicate positive effects on earnings per share (EPS) or other financial metrics.
In which context is the term “accretive” commonly used?
The term is often used in the context of mergers and acquisitions, where an accretive acquisition will result in an increase in the acquiring company’s earnings per share (EPS) post-transaction. Additionally, it can refer to other business activities that enhance shareholder value, such as new product launches and cost-saving initiatives.
Why is accretive growth important for businesses?
Accretive growth is considered a positive sign for businesses because it indicates that the company is increasing in value, improving financial performance, and generating more wealth for its shareholders. It is also one of the key factors that potential investors evaluate when making investment decisions.
How is an acquisition determined to be accretive?
An acquisition is typically considered accretive if it results in an increase in the acquiring company’s earnings per share (EPS). This is usually achieved when the combined earnings of the acquiring company and the target company are greater than the acquiring company’s pre-acquisition earnings, resulting in higher EPS for shareholders.
What is the opposite of accretive?
The opposite of accretive is dilutive, which refers to a process or transaction that reduces the value of a financial metric, such as earnings per share or return on equity. A dilutive acquisition, for example, results in a decrease in the acquiring company’s earnings per share (EPS).
How can a company achieve accretive growth?
Companies can achieve accretive growth through several means, including strategic acquisitions, expanding product lines, entering new markets, improving operational efficiencies, and implementing cost-saving measures. Each of these strategies seeks to increase the company’s financial performance and overall value for shareholders.
Is accretive growth always positive for a company?
While accretive growth typically indicates an increase in value for a company and its shareholders, it is essential to consider other factors when evaluating a company’s overall health and performance. These factors may include the company’s financial stability, its long-term growth prospects, and its ability to maintain profitability over time. Ultimately, accretive growth is just one factor to consider when assessing a company’s potential as an investment.

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