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Accredited In Business Valuation (ABV)


Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) is a professional designation awarded to certified public accountants (CPAs) who demonstrate considerable expertise in business valuation. The designation is granted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) after candidates complete specialized coursework, pass a comprehensive examination, and meet strict professional experience requirements. ABV credential holders are recognized for their advanced knowledge, skills, and ability to provide accurate and reliable business valuation services.


The phonetics for the keyword “Accredited In Business Valuation (ABV)” can be represented as /əˈkrɛdɪtɪd ɪn ˈbɪznɪs ˌvæljuˈeɪʃən/ (ə-KRED-i-təd in BIZ-nis VAL-yoo-AY-shən) and /eɪ bi vi/ (ay-bee-vee) for the acronym ABV.

Key Takeaways

  1. Specialized Credential: The Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) is a prestigious designation awarded by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to CPAs who have demonstrated exceptional skills in the area of business valuation. It signifies expertise and commitment to providing high-quality business valuation services.
  2. Educational and Experience Requirements: To obtain the ABV credential, candidates must possess an active and valid CPA license, complete a minimum of 75 hours of valuation-related education, pass the ABV Exam, and meet a specific minimum threshold of valuation experience (at least 150 hours).
  3. Continuing Education and Recertification: ABV professionals are required to maintain their credential through ongoing continuing professional education (CPE) and adherence to AICPA’s valuation standards. They must complete 60 valuation-related CPE hours every three years to stay up-to-date with current industry trends and maintain their status as experts in the field of business valuation.


The Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) designation is an important term in business and finance as it signifies that an individual possesses a specialized knowledge and expertise in the field of business valuation. This designation, awarded by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), demonstrates that a professional is highly qualified to provide unbiased and accurate valuations of businesses, which is vital for various purposes such as mergers and acquisitions, litigation support, financial reporting, and tax planning. As a result, the ABV credential serves as an assurance for companies and clients of the professional’s competence, adherence to guidelines, and commitment to maintaining the highest ethical standards, which is crucial in making informed decisions and achieving intended legal and financial outcomes.


Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) serves as a testament to an individual’s expertise and credentials in the sphere of business valuation. This sought-after designation—granted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to professionals who meet a specific set of criteria—is widely regarded as validation of a person’s ability to perform intricate financial assessments competently. Professionals who possess this credential are typically seen as having superior analytical skills, with the acuity to synthesize a wide range of information such as financial records, fair market value determinations, and industry trends to accurately estimate the worth of businesses. The purpose of ABV, therefore, is to uphold professional standards and provide a reliable benchmark for both clients and colleagues when searching for highly qualified individuals in business valuation.

Given its stature, ABV is of immense practical relevance in several facets of the business world. Businesses and stakeholders alike rely on ABV professionals for their keen understanding of financial intricacies during critical processes such as mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, and divestitures. Additionally, their input proves invaluable for tax planning, stock options valuations, buy-sell agreements, and the settlement of shareholder disputes. These seasoned individuals are sought after not only for their expertise but also for their ability to present findings convincingly as expert witnesses in court proceedings involving financial and valuation matters.

In a nutshell, Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) is an indispensable tool that helps maintain high standards of professional excellence, shaping informed business decisions through accurate evaluations that ultimately preserve the integrity of the marketplace.


1. Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): In a merger or acquisition scenario, companies need to determine the value of the target company to ensure they are paying a fair price. An ABV accredited professional could be hired to provide a thorough and accurate valuation of the target business. This accredited expert would analyze various aspects of the business, including financial statements, industry trends, and market conditions, before providing an estimate of the company’s value.

Example: Company A is considering acquiring Company B. To determine whether the acquisition would be worthwhile, Company A hires an ABV accredited expert to estimate the value of Company B. The expert’s analysis helps Company A to negotiate a fair deal for the merger or acquisition.

2. Litigation Support: In legal cases involving disputes over business valuation, courts often require the testimony of an expert witness to provide an objective opinion on the company’s value. An ABV accredited expert can be called upon to provide this testimony, providing an informed and credible perspective on the matter.

Example: In a shareholder litigation case, a group of shareholders claims that the company’s management has undervalued their shares as part of a buyout plan. An ABV accredited expert is hired as an expert witness by the shareholders to provide an objective valuation of the company, increasing the credibility of their case.

3. Business Restructuring: Business restructuring, such as selling off assets or forming strategic partnerships, often requires a thorough understanding of the value of the company and its components. ABV accredited professionals can provide a reliable and accurate valuation of the business’s assets and help decision-makers understand the implications of the restructuring process.

Example: Company C is experiencing financial difficulties and needs to restructure its operations to stay afloat. The management hires an ABV accredited expert to assess the value of their assets and provide advice on which assets to sell off or which partnerships to form. The expert’s guidance helps the company make informed decisions regarding the restructuring process, ultimately improving the company’s financial outlook.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV)?

Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) is a professional credential granted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) to CPAs who exhibit their expertise in business valuation and meet certain requirements, such as passing an examination, fulfilling relevant work experience, and adhering to professional standards.

Who can apply for the ABV credential?

Only Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) who are members of the AICPA in good standing can apply for the ABV credential. They should possess adequate work experience and complete specific educational requirements to be eligible for the credential.

What are the main benefits of obtaining the ABV credential?

Obtaining the ABV credential offers multiple benefits, including enhanced professional credibility, increased marketability, access to a network of valuation professionals, and staying up-to-date with the ever-evolving field of business valuation.

What qualifications and experience are required for the ABV credential?

Besides being an active CPA, an individual aiming for ABV must meet specific work experience (a minimum of 150 hours in valuation services within five years) and educational requirements (completion of at least 75 hours of related valuation education).

How can I prepare for the ABV exam?

To prepare for the ABV exam, individuals can use various resources provided by the AICPA, including the AICPA’s ABV Examination Review Course, relevant publications, online webinars, and self-study courses that cover essential finance and valuation topics.

When and where can I take the ABV exam?

The ABV examination is a computer-based test offered at various testing centers throughout the year, with the exact schedule provided by the AICPA. Alternatively, the exam may also be offered in remote proctoring format, allowing you to take the examination from your own location.

How much does it cost to apply for the ABV credential and take the exam?

The cost of applying for the ABV credential and taking the exam can vary depending on whether you enroll for AICPA membership and other associated costs. For details on fees and discounts, it is recommended to refer to the AICPA website.

How do I maintain my ABV credential?

To maintain your ABV credential, you must adhere to the AICPA’s professional standards, fulfill your annual continuous professional education (CPE) requirements (20 hours of valuation-related CPE per year), and pay a yearly credential fee.

Related Finance Terms

  • Business Valuation Methods
  • Tangible and Intangible Assets
  • Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (DCF)
  • ABV Certification
  • Financial Reporting Valuations

Sources for More Information

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