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Account Statement


An account statement is a periodic summary provided by financial institutions to account holders, detailing financial transactions and balances over a specified period. It typically includes deposits, withdrawals, purchases, fees, interests earned, and penalties. Account statements serve as a record-keeping tool, enabling individuals and businesses to track financial activities and verify the accuracy of their account balances.


The phonetic pronunciation of the keyword “Account Statement” is:əˈkaʊnt ˈsteɪtmənt

Key Takeaways

  1. Account statements provide a summary of all the financial transactions and activities in an account for a specific time period.
  2. They help account holders in managing their finances, tracking expenses, verifying payments, and identifying potential errors or unauthorized transactions.
  3. Account statements are typically issued by financial institutions, such as banks and credit card companies, and usually include details like opening balance, closing balance, deposits, withdrawals, fees, and interest earned.


Account Statements are important in the business and finance domain as they provide a comprehensive and organized summary of an individual or entity’s financial transactions and activities over a specific period of time. These statements act as a crucial tool for monitoring financial performance, enabling informed decision-making, and ensuring transparency in operations. They also serve as essential reference documents for taxation, legal, and regulatory purposes, contributing to the maintenance of a healthy financial landscape for individuals, businesses, and potential investors. Ultimately, account statements play an instrumental role in the overall functioning and success of any financial ecosystem.


The primary purpose of an account statement is to provide account holders with an overview of their financial transactions within a specified period. This document generally includes key financial information such as the account balance at the beginning and end of the period, a detailed list of transactions (including deposits and withdrawals, fees, interest earned), and any other events impacting the account. Account statements offer a comprehensive understanding of the financial activities being undertaken, thus allowing individuals and businesses to track their finances, monitor for errors or unauthorized transactions, and make informed decisions on budgeting and investments. Account statements also serve as essential tools for financial management and planning. They help individuals and businesses assess their financial health and identify trends or potential issues, such as overspending or fraudulent activities. Furthermore, account statements can be used for various financial-related purposes, such as record-keeping, tax reporting, and loan applications. For instance, a business owner might refer to their account statement when applying for a loan, as lenders often require proof of financial stability and revenue generation. In this way, account statements act as a comprehensive financial resource, aiding in maintaining transparency, providing documentary evidence, and ultimately fostering better financial management practices.


1. Monthly bank account statement: Most banks provide monthly account statements to their customers, summarizing the account activities such as deposits, withdrawals, interests earned, and any service fees. This helps customers to track their finances, reconcile their bank balance with personal records, and identify any unauthorized transactions or errors. 2. Credit card statement: Credit card issuers send monthly statements to their cardholders, outlining their purchases, balance transfers, cash advances, credits, fees, and finance charges during that statement period. The statement also includes the minimum payment due and the payment due date. Credit card statements allow cardholders to review their spending habits, verify transactions, and make an informed decision about repaying their outstanding balance. 3. Investment account statement: Brokerage firms and investment companies typically provide quarterly or yearly account statements to their clients. These statements show the investments held in the account (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.), their current values, any dividends or capital gains received, and transaction details like buy/sell orders or fees. Investors use these statements to assess their portfolio performance, make necessary adjustments to their investment strategies, and maintain accurate tax records.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is an Account Statement?
An Account Statement is a financial document provided by financial institutions, such as banks or investment firms, that summarizes an individual’s or company’s account activity, including all transactions, during a specific period, typically monthly or quarterly.
What information can I find on my Account Statement?
An Account Statement typically includes the following information: account holder’s name, account number, beginning balance for the statement period, transaction details (e.g. deposits, withdrawals, interest, fees), and ending balance for the statement period. However, contents of Account Statement can vary depending on the type of account and the issuing institution.
How do I receive my Account Statement?
Financial institutions usually provide Account Statements either in paper format via mail or in electronic format via email or online banking portals. Most institutions now offer paperless (e-statement) options, where you can choose to receive your account statements electronically.
How often will I receive my Account Statement?
The frequency of Account Statements depends on the type of account and the issuing institution. However, most financial institutions issue statements monthly for checking and savings accounts, and quarterly for investment accounts.
Can I request an Account Statement for a specific period?
Yes, you can usually request an Account Statement for a specific date range from your financial institution. Some banks and institutions offer this feature through their online banking portals, while others might require you to contact their customer service for assistance.
Why are Account Statements important?
Account Statements serve several essential functions, such as enabling account holders to review and track their financial activities, monitor account performance, and reconcile their account balances. They also serve as valuable documents for tax purposes and to provide proof of income or expenses.
What if I find an error on my Account Statement?
If you discover an error or discrepancy on your Account Statement, it is crucial to contact the issuing financial institution immediately to investigate the issue and make necessary corrections. Most banks offer a dedicated customer service hotline or an online dispute feature for such issues.

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Sources for More Information

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