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Accelerated Depreciation


Accelerated depreciation is an accounting method that allows companies to write off their assets more quickly in the earlier years of their useful life. This method results in higher depreciation expenses initially, followed by lower expenses in later years. This practice can provide significant tax and cash flow advantages by deferring taxable income to future periods.


The phonetic pronunciation of “Accelerated Depreciation” is:æksɛləreɪtɪd dɪpriʃiˈeɪʃən

Key Takeaways

  1. Accelerated Depreciation allows businesses to deduct a larger portion of an asset’s value in the early years of its useful life, thereby reducing taxable income and providing immediate tax benefits.
  2. As a result of accelerated depreciation, businesses can recover the cost of their assets more quickly, potentially increasing cash flow and promoting investment in new technology and equipment.
  3. However, it also results in lower depreciation expenses in later years, leading to higher taxable income and potential higher tax liabilities in the future.


Accelerated depreciation is an important business and finance term because it allows companies to write off a higher proportion of an asset’s cost in the early years of its life, reducing taxable income and lowering tax liability in the short term. This method of depreciation strategically front-loads the expenses, enabling businesses to recover their investments more quickly and improve cash flow. Additionally, it promotes the adoption of newer, more efficient equipment by allowing companies to replace outdated assets sooner while maintaining adequate fiscal health. The use of accelerated depreciation can provide businesses with a competitive advantage as they are better equipped to invest in new technology and infrastructure to enhance productivity and meet ever-changing market demands.


Accelerated depreciation is an accounting method that allows businesses to allocate a larger portion of an asset’s value to the early years of its useful life, with the expense declining over time. The primary purpose of this approach is to defer tax liabilities and increase a company’s cash flow during the initial years, as it reduces their taxable income. Essentially, accelerated depreciation helps businesses recover their asset costs more quickly, which can be particularly advantageous for assets that lose value rapidly or are subject to rapid technological advancements, such as computers or machinery. As the asset’s depreciation is front-loaded, the business can benefit from maximizing the tax deductions in the initial years and therefore retain more cash to reinvest in operations or growth initiatives. This can be especially helpful for start-ups or companies that require higher capital investments in the beginning. Furthermore, accelerated depreciation encourages businesses to invest in more efficient technology and equipment, thus promoting innovation and productivity. However, it’s important to note that while accelerated depreciation affects the timing of tax deductions, the total depreciation over an asset’s useful life remains the same, making it a mere shift in the allocation of costs rather than an overall cost reduction.


Accelerated depreciation is a method of allocating higher depreciation expenses in the earlier years of an asset’s life, reducing taxable income and providing tax benefits to a business. Here are three real-world examples: 1. Manufacturing Plant Machinery: A manufacturing company purchases new machinery for its plant, which has an expected useful life of 10 years. Instead of using the straight-line method to depreciate the asset evenly over a decade, the company chooses to use an accelerated depreciation method such as the Double Declining Balance (DDB) or Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS). By doing so, they can claim higher depreciation expenses in the first few years, thereby reducing their taxable income and boosting their cash flow during that period. 2. Vehicles for a Delivery Company: A delivery business acquires a fleet of new vehicles to replace older, less efficient models. Since vehicles tend to decline in value more quickly in their initial years, the company opts for an accelerated depreciation schedule using MACRS. This allows them to capture more substantial depreciation expenses in the first years of the fleet’s useful life, reflecting the vehicles’ faster decline in value and lowering their tax liability. 3. Technology Equipment for a Software Company: A software development company purchases new computers and high-tech equipment with a limited useful lifespan due to rapid technological advancements. The company applies accelerated depreciation methods, such as the sum-of-years’ digits or the MACRS, to claim larger depreciation expenses in the earlier years of the assets’ lifespan. This approach reflects the higher rate of obsolescence for these types of assets and enables the company to minimize its tax liability while freeing up resources to invest in new technology as it becomes available.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

What is accelerated depreciation?
Accelerated depreciation is an accounting method that allows businesses to write off their assets faster in the early years of an asset’s life. This results in higher depreciation expenses in the initial years, which reduces taxable income and tax liability during that period.
How does accelerated depreciation work?
Under accelerated depreciation, a business allocates a larger portion of an asset’s cost to the first few years of its useful life. As a result, the asset’s book value declines more rapidly during these years, which leads to increased depreciation expenses and lower taxable income.
What are the benefits of using accelerated depreciation?
The primary benefit of accelerated depreciation is the reduction of tax liability in the initial years of an asset’s life. By having higher depreciation expenses early on, a business can lower its taxable income and tax obligations, thus improving cash flow and potentially increasing the ability to invest in new assets.
Are there any disadvantages to accelerated depreciation?
The main disadvantage of accelerated depreciation is that a business may have lower depreciation expenses in later years, which could lead to higher taxable income and tax liability during those periods. This method also results in a lower net book value of assets, which may impact a company’s financial ratios and the perception of its financial health.
What are some common methods of accelerated depreciation?
The most common methods of accelerated depreciation are the Double Declining Balance (DDB) Method, the Sum-of-the-Years’ Digits (SYD) Method, and the Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS), which is the standard method used for tax purposes in the United States.
Can any business use accelerated depreciation?
In general, any business can use accelerated depreciation for its financial statements. However, for tax purposes, a business must follow the tax code of the country it operates in. For instance, in the US, businesses must use the MACRS method for depreciating assets, as required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
When should a business consider using accelerated depreciation?
A business should consider using accelerated depreciation when it wants to reduce its tax liability in the early years of an asset’s life, improve cash flow, defer taxes, or take advantage of tax incentives offered by the government.
Does accelerated depreciation affect the total depreciation of an asset?
No, accelerated depreciation does not affect the total depreciation expense of an asset. It simply changes the timing of depreciation expenses, front-loading them in the early years of an asset’s life. The total depreciation expense over the asset’s useful life remains unchanged.

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