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4 Ways to Use Technology to Improve Your Budget

Budgeting TIps

There are lots of reasons these days why people have tight budgets. Although sometimes it’s because of poor planning, it could just as easily be caused by unforeseen circumstances.

No matter what the reason, you don’t have to start selling things you need for a fraction of their value. Instead, try some of these ideas that use technology to improve your budget.

1. Start a Side Hustle

Starting a side hustle is one way to use technology to improve your budget. There are lots of different options for you to choose from. Just look for something that builds on your education, skills, and talents.

For instance, with a computer you could teach students English, or some other language, online. Or, if you have the background for it, try online tutoring instead.

There are lots of other options for side hustling too. You could become a virtual assistant, do freelance writing, take surveys, and do many other things to improve your budget.

You can even side hustle with other people. Whatever kind of work you choose, technology can help you with all of them.

Take it one step further and advertise what you do. Use social media sites online such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to get the word out about what you do.

2. Manage Your Finances

Another way you can use technology to improve your budget is by managing your finances online. One of the apps you could choose to help you do this is Due. Using money management apps like this can speed up what you do including invoicing other people and receiving payments.

But you can also automate paying your bills to help your finances too. Automation can save you from receiving late fees on your bills because they get paid faster and on time. Of course, saving time allows you to save money as well.

If you’re frequently on the go, access your money by using an app on your phone. This is a feature more banks are beginning to offer as the public demands it. Check with your bank to find out if they offer a mobile app you can use.

3. Cut Back on Debt

If you’re looking for ways to cut back on debt, there are plenty of ways technology can help. One is to use an app to set up a budget.

Use technology to replace services you currently pay more for as another way to cut back on debt. As an example, turn off your cable and stream televisions shows for less. Hulu and Netflix are just a couple of examples that can save you hundreds per year.

Additionally, you could use an app such as Qoins to improve your budget and cut back on debt. With Qoins, when you make every day purchases on groceries and other things it rounds them up. The extra money is collected in an account and then paid toward your debts.

4. Get Cash Back

Do you need another idea for using technology to improve your budget? Try signing up online at a site such as Swagbucks. You will get a sign on bonus of $5 to help you get started.

Swagbucks will help you to get points you can turn in for gift cards or cash back through PayPal. You can use this money to bolster your budget and help your finances.

Regardless of the why, budgets can get tight from time to time. But as you can see, there are plenty of ways to use technology to improve your budget. Try one or more of the ideas suggested to make your finances better.

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Financial Author
Kayla is passionate about helping people get their finances in order so they can pursue a life of freedom. She quit her job to work for herself with over $148,000 of debt and swears it was the best decision she’s ever made!

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