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6 Tech Companies That Are Changing Marketing

marketing businesses online

Technology plays a large role in how brands interact with customers today. From social media to wearables, marketers and consumers now have access to new exciting ways to communicate. Now that so much can be automated, businesses have more productivity tools than ever, but technology has also made brands more efficient. Using analytics, the most innovative tech companies can monitor customer interactions with their campaigns and adjust their efforts to respond in real time.

Tech Companies as Game Changers

But advancements in technology bring pressure to compete. Businesses must remain ahead of the game to win customers in a marketplace where companies now have access to instant information on how audiences are responding to their efforts. Here are a few tech companies that are changing the way the industry approaches marketing.


CrowdOptic’s sensor technology has already made news for its ability to determine the GPS coordinates of certain objects. But marketers love the airborne camera system’s ability to analyze information and deliver data.

When built into other products, CrowdOptic could offer valuable insight into how customers interact at events and gatherings. One notable use of this was the company’s partnership with L’Oreal at Canada’s Luminato Festival.

Attendees saw the power of the tech at an art exhibit during the festival that showed where people were aiming their smartphones at a given time.


Event ticketing is the perfect gateway to initiate individual relationships and gather data on attendees, but the industry has fallen behind in this area and still sees ticketing as a one-dimensional reservation tool.

Millennials are far more interested in experiences than things, yet few brands understand the impact of their branded experiences. AnyRoad is innovating event ticketing for the new generation of eventgoers, while simultaneously allowing marketers and operations teams alike to leverage their events to organically grow their brands.

The registration process is refreshingly simple for visitors, while event staff are able to trade in their legacy ticketing systems for a proper ERM (Experience Relationship Manager). Experiential marketing has always been one of the most engaging tools available to brands. Now, the industry can fully leverage those experiences. 


ddSales and marketing professions can waste hours each week chasing down the wrong leads. Lead generation tools like Marketo help brands avoid that wasted time by delivering qualified leads. With a database of contacts that are likely to take action, marketers can then send messages that get results.

Campaigns can even be segmented so that customers only get information related to their demonstrated interests. As a result, the traditional spray-and-pray method of marketing and advertising no longer works with customers who expect customized messages.


Few companies have changed the way businesses connect with customers like Google has. The company is constantly striving to improve the user experience. This means refining search results to incorporate location and variants to the keywords a person enters.

In other words, when you enter a set of words, the search engine will deliver location-based results as well as find results similar to the keywords entered. The end result is an intuitive search experience that makes it easier for customers to find what they need, which makes life better for everyone involved.


Influencers can quickly amplify a brand’s message simply by posting to their built-in audience. But finding the right influencers can be challenging. Dovetale uses image recognition software to pair brands with influencers who align with their products or services.

Marketers from tech companies simply upload an image and choose the audience size they would prefer an influencer to have and the service delivers a list of influencers. Brands can then use that information to reach out to influencers and offer free products or services in exchange for a review.


Ridesharing service Uber has revolutionized public transportation. However, they also continue to alter how businesses market to customers. This is especially true with a new campaign that lets businesses pay for a customer’s ride to their establishment. The program, which is being tested in limited markets, is billed as pay-per-ride, rather than pay-per-click.

Uber incorporated it into its Offers promotion, where the company partners with various retailers to encourage customers to make purchases in exchange for a discount. A free Uber ride may sway a customer to choose one great restaurant or local attraction over another.

This type of marketing could be the beginning of a new way for marketers to reach customers online.

Tech companies are consistently pushing the boundaries of marketing, coming up with new, exciting ways to reach customers. By keeping an eye on innovators in the tech space, brands can monitor changes in marketing and shift their approach.

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Co-Founder at Hostt
Peter Daisyme is the co-founder of Palo Alto, California-based Hostt, specializing in helping businesses with hosting their website for free, for life. Previously he was the co-founder of Pixloo, a company that helped people sell their homes online, that was acquired in 2012.

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