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Tax Deduction: Business Debt

One of the best ways to maximize your business profits is to take advantage of the tax deductions made available to those who engage in business activity. Even though we often complain about the tax code, there are actually quite a few tax breaks built in for businesses.

If you use loans to help your business run smoothly, you might be able to deduct the interest you pay on those loans, and there are other situations in which you can receive a debt-related tax deduction. As you plan the rest of the year for your business, don’t forget that you might be able to turn some of your business debt into a tax break.

Bad Debt Tax Deduction

First of all, if you are owed money from a business transaction, and have been unable to collect, you might be able to write it off as a bad debt. The IRS allows you to deduct bad business debts connected with operating your business or trade. This can include such items as credit sales to customers or loans you make to clients and suppliers.

If the situation reaches the point at which you can no longer expect payment within a reasonable amount of time, you might be able to write it off. Make sure that the debt truly is related to your business, and you might be able to use it to reduce your business income.

Operating Loans and Other Business Debt

You can also deduct the interest you pay on certain business loans. If you borrow money for business purposes, such as buying needed equipment or inventory, you can deduct the interest you pay.

Most businesses use debt to fund their operations in some way. The capital can provide you with the means to purchase facilities and equipment, as well as pay your employees. Debt can ease cash flow and ensure that you are able to meet your obligations on time. It’s one of the ways most successful businesses keep moving forward, and the government rewards business owners with tax deductions on the debt used.

It’s also interesting to note that you can also deduct credit card interest, as long as the debt is directly related to your business. Many of us think of credit card debt as something personal. It’s true that you can’t deduct the interest from your personal, nonbusiness debt. However, if you have a business credit card and you use it to further your business goals, you might be able to deduct the interest you pay. As long as you have the documentation to show that your debt truly is related to business, there is a good chance you can deduct it.

Also, if you have questions about whether or not your business debt is tax-deductible, it makes sense to consult with a knowledgeable tax professional or accountant.

While it’s never fun to pay interest, the reality is that sometimes it’s necessary. If you end up needing to pay interest keep track of the debt and your payments, and claim a business tax deduction.

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Credit Expert
I’m Miranda and I’m a freelance financial journalist and money expert. My specialties are investing, small business/entrepreneurship and personal finance. The journey to business success and financial freedom is best undertaken with fellow travelers.

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