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Registered Apprenticeship grants get a $244m investment boost

Registered Apprenticeships get $244m funding

Grants for Registered Apprenticeships have received a $244m boost from the U.S. government.

The Department of Labour (DoL) announced the investment to bolster the emerging workforce’s modernization efforts. According to a new DoL release, this huge funding aims to modernize, diversify, and expand Registered Apprenticeships in growing industries.

Department of Labour invests in Registered Apprenticeships

The DoL is expanding upon the current administration’s Investing in America agenda. According to the White House, this is to rebuild and invest in the middle class and give opportunities to underrepresented populations.

The statement read, “Today, the Department of Labor announced the largest single federal investment in Registered Apprenticeships in US history. These investments will reach communities nationwide through 52 grantees located in 32 states.”

The news was announced as part of an event at the Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Acting Secretary Julie Su and White House Domestic Policy Advisor Neera Tanden were both in attendance.

“This award, totaling more than $244 million, will help to expand, strengthen, and diversify programs that aren’t just one-offs – they create a pipeline of workers with in-demand skills, connecting them with good jobs that create real security for workers and their families,” said Acting Secretary Su.

The recently announced Apprenticeship Building America grants will be aiming to provide support through:

  • Ensuring Equitable Registered Apprenticeship Pathways and Partnerships Through Pre-Apprenticeship.
  • Creation of Education System-aligned Pre-apprenticeship and Registered Apprenticeship Programs.
  •  Registered Apprenticeship Hubs.

There will also be a competitive grant of $49m given to states to help spread the impact of the Registered Apprenticeship program. They will be known as State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula Grants, and they aim to:

  • Help states and territories advance Registered Apprenticeship as a talent development strategy and create post-secondary education career pathways that strengthen the nation’s workforce.
  • Support statewide Registered Apprenticeship strategies to engage industry partners and meet skill demands across today’s growing industry sectors.
  • Enable states and territories to build capacity to significantly increase Registered Apprenticeship opportunities for all American workers, including women, people of color, individuals with disabilities, and other underserved communities.

As reported, the DoL has recently invested in training grants through the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program. This made $12.7m in training grants available to workers to develop employee safety measures, health training, and education across qualifying workplaces.

Image: Ideogram.

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