For entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners, balancing their work and life responsibilities often become quite challenging. Work always seems to take over and those personal things like taking care of ourselves, enjoying hobbies and days off, and spending time with friends and family tends to fall by the wayside. Success gathered seven tips from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) members, including Due Marketing Director Angela Ruth.

All these entrepreneurs have first-hand experience with the challenges for balancing work and life. Angela noted that it was important to carve out time in the evening to focus on something different that you enjoy doing. For her, it’s video games but for you, it  could be some other pastime that you know relaxes you and takes your mind away from thinking about work constantly. Other tips included making a list of what is important to you in life, picking a time in the day to make your own, letting others remind you of what’s really important like your kids or spouse, and getting sleep and exercising.

You can read the original Tips for Healthy Work-Life Balance article here.

Since one of the tips was to define the kind of lifestyle you want to have, this article on Due’s blog can help you determine how to create it, adding to the ability and joy of a healthy work-life balance.

Healthy Work Life Balance