Freelancers have great advice on how to work from home, especially those that have been working in this unique environment for many years. Here are a few Tips for Working from Home as a Freelancer.

With little to no management and no one looking over your shoulder, working from home can be a challenge to some but embraced by others. In a post for Tech in Asia, Ahmad Raza provided numerous tips, including being honest with yourself, learning to say “no” in a respectful way, knowing your true worth, structuring your day and setting up a formal work space. Within the section on valuing yourself and acknowledging your true worth, Raza referenced a Due guide on the state of freelancing, noting the importance of staying updated on what people are charging for their freelance services. In this way, you stay on top of what you should be paid for your talent and experience.

You can read the original Tips for Working from Home as a Freelancer article here.

The Due freelancer guide includes statistics about the freelance industry, the pros and cons of working as a freelancer, and tips on creating a brand, marketing, estimates and rates, portfolio development, project management and more.