Due writer Murray Newlands offered tips on making your email marketing campaigns more appealing to customers so they will be less likely to delete them. Published in the Chicago-Tribune‘s Blue Sky Innovation Hub blog, the article focused on enhancing your reputation as a trustworthy partner with accurate and relevant information and offering exciting subject lines that peak the reader’s interest.

The article also suggested developing readable content that they can easily apply to a problem or issue, and providing helpful links that the reader can use to further expand their knowledge.

Making Your Marketing Emails More Appealing to Customers

As the article noted, if you are only averaging an open rate of 5-10%, you can use these tips and realize a much better chance of more potential and existing customers reading your emails. In using these strategies at Due, we have realized exponential growth in our business and customer engagement. You can read the full article here.

For more tips on how to improve your online marketing efforts, check out this post on Due’s blog about how to develop a digital strategy.

Creating Appealing Emails