Working as a remote member of a team can get lonely. It can lead to disengagement and even depression from feeling left out of the circle of activity and communication. However, there are many ways to ensure these remote members of the team feel included, engaged, and happy. Smart Blog on Leadership gathered responses from the Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) about how to do this. In this, they included Due’s Marketing Director, Angela Ruth. She noted that small perks are a great way for not being able to include them in local events and social. This could be a holiday gift basket, special gift certificate, or something else that personally resonates with each team member. Other suggestions included by YEC members were hold team video conferences, have a retreat, leverage technology like Google Hangouts, send snail mail, provide fulfilling work, meet them in person and host a virtual happy hour.
You can read the original Engage Remote Teams article here.
Even freelancers get tired of their surroundings so it’s good to break out of that environment and work in a different place. Additionally, it will change your mood and recharge your productivity. Check out these 12 places where you can work away from your home office just for that change of scenery.