Twitter was originally founded on a simple premise – what can people communicate under 140 characters or less? – but it has turned into a social media titan that can really confound people who use it for marketing purposes. The lifespan of a tweet is laughably short, and it’s hard to know how to engage with your audience through such a fast-moving medium. It can also be extremely easy to incite the fury of a thousand internet dwellers by sending an ill-worded, opinion-laden tweet that reverberates through the halls (or walls) of haters for days. Is Twitter useful for your business? It’s hard to know. However, Due cofounder John Rampton and the Young Entrepreneur Council have a few words to say about when to let go of Twitter. If you don’t, for example, know how hashtags work and what Favourites mean, then your time and effort is wasted. If you’re bad at updating regularly, maybe do away with it completely. If you’re not using Twitter to collect data about your audience, then you shouldn’t even be on the service to begin with.
For more tips and tricks on how to use Twitter to its full potential, and when to just stop bothering, check out the article on Huffington Post.