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Blog » Inspirational Finance Quotes » Money Spent on Good-Quality Gear is Always Money Well Spent – Tahir Shah

Money Spent on Good-Quality Gear is Always Money Well Spent – Tahir Shah

“Money spent on good-quality gear is always money well spent.”

– Tahir Shah
This quote by is by an Afghan author, journalist, and documentary filmmaker. He calls back another popular adage now well-known to most people. “You have to spend money to make money” . It is true that you need a certain quality of equipment (particularly in the world of film) to make a high quality product. Cheap stuff breaks easily, also, while investment pieces are the ones that are treasured and last the longest.

But beyond these already persuasive arguments for spending more on high quality gear, there’s also the intangible feeling you get from holding a beautiful and useful piece of equipment in your hands, of knowing how to use it to its full effect, of the possibility imbued within, like the ‘64 Stratocaster guitar that inspires Wayne Campbell to bust out the opening strains of Stairway to Heaven in the movie Wayne’s World. Money spent on good-quality gear might just make you a rock star.


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