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Blog » Money Tips » Incoming Federal Reserve Meeting and Apple’s Earning Report: What Experts Expect Today

Incoming Federal Reserve Meeting and Apple’s Earning Report: What Experts Expect Today

federal reserve apple earnings

After a turbulent week for stocks, the market is eagerly awaiting two significant events that are poised to wield substantial influence over its trajectory. The impending Federal Reserve meeting and Apple’s earnings report are pivotal factors that will compound or alleviate recent market challenges.

In this article, we delve into the specifics of these events, their potential outcomes, and the subsequent implications for the stock market. As always, it is essential for investors to remain informed about these developments and to prudently diversify their investments to mitigate risks associated with market volatility.

The Federal Reserve meeting

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will convene for a two-day meeting to review current economic conditions and make decisions on monetary policy, including assessing interest rates. The culmination of this meeting, coupled with the official announcement on Wednesday, is anticipated to exert a profound impact on the stock market, particularly if the Federal Reserve’s statements hint at the likelihood of an interest rate hike in their December gathering.

Market expectations

Market expectations are running high, albeit with some divergence, regarding potential adjustments to interest rates by the Federal Reserve. The market consensus, with a 99 percent probability, leans towards no changes in interest rates after the meeting. However, the primary focus is on the perceived likelihood of interest rate alterations in the upcoming December meeting, which currently stands at a relatively modest 20 percent. Should the meeting’s outcome suggest an increase in these odds based on the Federal Reserve’s commentary, the stock market may experience consequential negative effects.

Apple’s earning reports

Apple – Th global giant

Apple’s forthcoming quarterly earnings report commands significant attention from market participants due to its status as the world’s largest corporation. Consequently, the company’s financial performance and forward guidance hold substantial sway over market movements. Notably, Apple’s stock has witnessed a 15 percent decline since its peak on July 31st, further underscoring its significance as a market influencer. It’ll be interesting to see how earnings impact their stock today.

Apple’s technical analysis

Taking a technical perspective on Apple’s stock, two bearish indicators have recently emerged. These include a breach of the blue support lines at approximately $170 per share and the 200-day moving average. Both developments indicate the potential continuation of the price downtrend observed in recent months, warranting close attention to the upcoming earnings announcement.

The impact of Apple’s earnings report

The forthcoming earnings report from Apple could serve as a turning point for the market’s recent downturn, provided the results are robust. Such positive results can boost investor confidence and reverse the prevailing negative trend. Conversely, disappointing results may exacerbate market conditions by eroding market sentiment and accentuating ongoing volatility.


As the Federal Reserve’s two-day meeting and Apple’s earnings report draw near, investors are acutely aware of the potential implications for the stock market. While the prevailing market consensus suggests minimal changes to interest rates in the immediate future, the percentage probability for the December meeting warrants vigilance. Similarly, Apple’s earnings announcement carries significant weight in shaping investor sentiment and market movements.

In a market characterized by volatility, it is imperative for investors to stay well-informed about the latest developments and to adopt a balanced and versatile investment strategy. By closely following financial updates and maintaining a diversified portfolio, individuals can navigate market fluctuations and capitalize on emerging opportunities.


October 30 2023 Stock Market Questions:

Q1: Why are the Federal Reserve meeting and Apple’s earnings report so significant for the stock market?

A1: Both the Federal Reserve meeting and Apple’s earnings report have the potential to influence the stock market significantly. The Federal Reserve’s decisions on interest rates impact the cost of borrowing and, subsequently, economic activity. Apple, as one of the world’s largest corporations, has a substantial sway over market movements due to its financial performance and forward guidance.

Q2: When is the Federal Reserve meeting scheduled to take place?

A2: The Federal Reserve meeting is slated for two days, on November 1, 2023. Concluding with the official announcement on a specific date, which varies with each meeting. Investors should remain attentive to the dates provided by the Federal Reserve.

Q3: What is the prevailing market consensus regarding interest rate changes from the Federal Reserve?

A3: Currently, the market consensus leans toward no changes in interest rates after the Federal Reserve meeting, with a probability of 99 percent. The focus is primarily on the perceived likelihood of interest rate adjustments in the upcoming December meeting, which currently stands at 20 percent.

Q4: What are the potential implications if the Federal Reserve suggests an interest rate hike?

A4: If the Federal Reserve’s commentary suggests a probable interest rate hike in the December meeting, this may lead to negative impacts on the stock market, potentially causing increased volatility and downward pressure on stock prices.

Q5: What are the technical indicators for Apple’s stock?

A5: Two key technical indicators to monitor in Apple’s stock are the breach of support lines (e.g., around $170 per share) and the 200-day moving average. These bearish signals may signify a continuation of the price downtrend observed in recent months.

Q6: What is the potential impact of Apple’s earnings report on the stock market?

A6: Apple’s earnings report can be a turning point for the market if the results are strong. Positive results may boost investor confidence and reverse the negative trend. Conversely, disappointing results could exacerbate market conditions, lowering market morale and increasing market volatility.

Q7: How can investors navigate market volatility during these events?

A7: To navigate market volatility, investors should stay informed about the latest developments, maintain a diversified portfolio, and consider a balanced and versatile investment strategy. Staying updated on financial news and preparing for potential market fluctuations is key to making informed investment decisions.

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Investments Author
Taylor Sohns is the Co-Founder at LifeGoal Wealth Advisors. He received his MBA in Finance. He currently has his Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) and a Certified Financial Planner (CFP). Taylor has spent decades on Wall Street helping create wealth.

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