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How to Leverage Facebook as a Freelancer

It’s been proven time and time again. Social media is one of the best ways to build your brand and connect you with clients that could use your freelancing services – especially if you’re just starting out as a freelancer.

Out of all the social media platforms, Facebook is hands down the largest social network. With approximately 1 billion daily active users, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to find a gig or schmooze with an industry influencers. But, to do that effectively, you should first learn how to leverage Facebook as a freelancer.

Optimize Your Facebook Page

Regardless if you’re a business owner or freelancer, marketing your products or services on Facebook starts with a Page. Since you most likely already have a Facebook account, you already know the basics of creating a Facebook page. So, we’ll just skip ahead and focus on optimizing your Facebook page.

  • Profile Picture. You want people to see you. The freelancer. Not an avatar or logo. But an actual human being. Make sure that it’s a recent headshot that is 180×180 in size. And, if you really want to stand out, smile. It will make people remember you while making you appear more trustworthy.
  • Cover. Your Facebook cover represents your brand, so make that it’s an image that reflects your brand. For example, if you’re a writer you could use a pen, typewriter, or keyboard. You also want to include text that highlights prices, contact information, and calls-to-action like “Share with your friends.” As for the size, keep it at 851×315 pixels.
  • Page Information. You have 155 characters to summarize your page. Make that valuable count by including information like the services that you offer; relevant keywords; how you can help clients; and a link to your website.
  • About Page. This is where you can share your interests, biography, and experience. Don’t forget to add links to your website, testimonials, relevant keywords, and explaining the benefits of working with you.
  • Vanity URL. You can have unique URL for your Facebook page. This can help clients find you easier and gives you the chance to have consistent usernames across the board. For example, your username could be SaraSmithCoder on Twitter and Facebook.

Share Your Facebook Page

Since you probably already have a Facebook page, you probably already have a fair amount of ‘friends.’ When you create your Facebook Page for your freelancing business, use your current network of friends, family, colleagues, or current clients to spread the word about your new Page. Ask them to share or like your new page so that you can keep gaining new followers.

Also, place your Facebook Page address on all business related materials, such as business cards, website, email signature, and other social media accounts.

Content Creation

Arguably the most important task that you need to do with your Facebook Page is the content that you create and share with your audience. It needs to be engaging and shareable for your audience, but also highlights your skills. This will help build relationships and establish you as an industry authority figure.

If you were a freelancer photographer, for example, then you would post the images that you snap with a brief description of the shoot. You could also stick with written text or keep going visual with infographics and videos.

What’s great about Facebook posts is that they can compliment your personality. If you’re a quicky, creative person, then share and create content that mirrors your personality. Just remember that you want to provide your audience with value – even if it’s a quick laugh.

Connect With People

When marketing your services on Facebook you have to keep in mind that you’re on there to make strong connections with people and not just trying to sell yourself to prospective clients. The best way to accomplish this is by aligning yourself with other freelancers, are like-minded, industry influencers, or potential collaborators. These are individuals who can offer advice, help your find gigs, or even work with you on a project. For example, you could network with a copywriter you can compose the text for a website that you were hired to build.

When networking, keep these tips handy:

  • Share valuable links that your network would find entertaining or informative.
  • Pass along job opportunities that aren’t in your expertise. That copywriter will remember that you hooked them up with a gig the next time they come across a web design job.
  • Don’t forget to offer advice, tips, or supports to anyone in your network if they need it.
  • Besides links to your website, also include a link to LinkedIn so that others can scope out your resume.

One of the best ways to connect with people is by joining a Facebook group. There are two really easy ways to find a group on Facebook. The first is by finding groups that can help you find a job. If you were a writer, you could search Facebook by using keywords like “writer” and “freelance.” The drawback is that you may not find a lot of opportunities publicly, so you may want to find ‘secret’ groups from industry influencers.

The other option would be to find out local or industry specific groups where business owners may be looking for your services.

To help you get started, here are a handful of groups that freelancers could join to find work or connect with other freelancers:

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Freelance Writer at Due
Albert Costill graduated from Rowan University with a History degree. He has been a senior finance writer for Due since 2015. His financial advice has been featured in Money Magazine, Fool, The Street, Forbes, CNBC and MarketWatch. He loves to give personal finance advice to millennials.

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