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How Freelance Writers Can Avoid Writer’s Block

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For freelance writers, the ability to be able to write quality and engaging content efficiently is their bread and butter. While some clients will assign topics, others will ask you to pitch topics and come up with your own content ideas.

This can be both a blessing and a curse. When you’re facing writer’s block, it can be difficult to come up with unique content ideas. Plus, most writers don’t get paid for time spent brainstorming topics so this is a task you want to do quickly.

If you’re a freelancer who has no idea what your next topic will be, here are some of the best ways to avoid writer’s block.

1. Read Industry News For Ideas

If you’re dealing with writer’s block, you may be able to get your spark back by catching up on some news articles and industry updates related to the niche you’re writing in. If you happen to come across an article that seems pretty interesting, you can write a rebuttal on it or take one of the sub-topics and go into more depth.

2. Take a Brief Break

Sometimes you can focus too hard on something. When you eliminate distractions and take a brief break, you’ll free up your mind to welcome more creative thoughts and ideas. I get the best ideas for new content when I’m not working.

The next time you feel writer’s block, go for a walk or jog around the block, have a snack, talk to a friend, or even check emails for a few minutes. Give yourself enough space to develop new content ideas without putting too much pressure on yourself.

3. Keep a Running List of Topics Ideas

Another smart way to overcome writer’s block is to avoid it from happening in the first place. If there are specific clients that you struggle to come up with content ideas for, start brainstorming ideas in advance.

Keep a running list of topic ideas that you can add to whenever you’re feeling inspired. That way, when you’re facing writer’s block you can just go back to your list.

4. Free Hand

This method may work better for some over others, but it’s still worth a try if you can’t push yourself to start writing. If you already have a rough topic idea but just don’t feel like writing at the moment and pushing the deadline isn’t an option, just start free hand.

For me, the hardest part of an article is the introduction. Once I push past those first few sentences, I’m usually good to go and can finish the rest of the article in no time.

5. Start Early

While we’d all probably like to finish an article in one sitting, that’s not always doable especially if you’re battling writer’s block. One thing you can do to ease the pressure is that your assignments early and stay ahead of schedule.

That way, if you have an upcoming deadline, you can break up your assignment into chunks and time block your writing schedule. This makes it less overwhelming. Instead of having to force yourself to pump out large pieces of content, you can break it down into smaller doses and still get the same results.


Writer’s block is not fun for anyone, especially hardworking freelance writers. It can be one of the biggest silent profit killers so make sure you get a handle on it in advance. Use these 5 strategies to motivate yourself to write and come up with topic ideas even when you don’t feel like it.

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Debt Expert and Financial Writer
Choncé Maddox is a debt expert. She helps ambitious millennials and Generation Z get our of the mounds of debt they are in following college. In 2015 she realized she couldn’t afford to do her own laundry, she was so broke. She had to make a change. Over the next three years she personally tackled $50,000 in debt and became debt free. She teaches others her passion since.

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