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Due Editorial Process

Due Editorial Process

The aim of Due is to help you have greater accessibility to the good life through your finances. Due editorial process will help guide you from early efforts to take care of your money matters — all the way through your retirement. 

Managing your money with finesse is a lifetime goal — and we will help you with all the ins and outs to meet your goals. When you align your goals and life together — you’ll have smoother sailing. Your future will appear brighter as you manage your money more effectively. 

Due Editorial Process

You may decide to hire a money manager — and that’s great, but it’s essential to have a basic knowledge of all processes to do with your money. Money matters if you want to reach the top. Even if you are determined to hire a money manager — you must keep an eye on your own funds and our highly-vetted experts will teach you how to accomplish this feat. 

Who Are We?

The team at Due includes a network of professional money managers, technological support, money experts, and staff writers who have written in the financial arena for years — and they know what they’re talking about. 

We employ scientists who have applied the science of money handling to all areas of money care. These scientists have overseen the process of surveys, including conducting some of their own. Our scientists have personally gained power with their own money. 

We work with educators who feel that we need greater inroads in educational avenues to train future Americans on money matters — early in our educational school system. We agree that children are not being taught in school about how to care for their money — and this can leave a fragile economy for all of us. We hope to be a part of the many people who are trying to right this wrong — and bring better fiscal education to everyone.

Many of our freelancers come to us with “fresh out of the University” insights that we are looking for — and we pass these insights on to you, our readership. Some university students share with us the various projects they are working on to make stronger money relationships. We share these with you, also.  

How We Do What We Do

We have always asked that our team of staff writers and freelancers take the time to read and research the latest academic studies, surveys, and books. The writers then present this information in an accessible manner so that you will begin to understand your own money issues in a better light. You will be compelled to grab hold and chart a course toward your best fiscal achievements — and peace of mind.

We look for the newest and best strategies about taking care of your money and investing, including annuities and retirement. We retain the tried and true financial principles that have made the financial markets and their clients great — and rich. We want you to understand foundational wealth and how to build it. We help you grow your wealth and standard of living by teaching you fundamental practices that build and maintain wealth.

Your financial future depends on critical knowledge at this time, in the area of finances. We want you to be able to read our articles and use our formulations to move forward in a workable, reproducible and actionable manner.

What Our Editors Do

Before our DUE writers begin their writing work — we ask for a list of titles and the concepts to be covered in the post. We ask for a synopsis about the intent of the piece and an explanation to be given of how the information will be developed. 

We use the above process so that the reviewer of the piece can have a dependable preview of how the editorial content calendar will proceed. The editor makes sure the information is the best information available right now.

The information of DUE will alert you to facts that are coming up — like when your taxes are due and how to save money on all your current money matters. 

You’ll gain information about investing and various ways to up your financial knowledge and capabilities. 

When an author receives the okay for their topic and concept — the writer will produce the article and submit their piece to the site. The onsite site editor then edits the article. Authors and writers are responsible to keep structural errors and typos to a minimum. 

Editors review the article and begin by fact-checking and link checking. All links must be too credible, highly dependable and trustworthy sources. We don’t allow any non-documented facts to line our posts. 

We consider it a crime to include nefarious, corrupt, or unverifiable content to our readership and we take decisive action to cut authors who submit anything akin to false facts. We simply don’t have time to mess with you. Zero tolerance on this point. We consider time to be a valuable resource — next to money. Money is the King here. 

Contact DUE

If you have a money issue that you would like researched and discussed — please let us know. We will put our team to work on the topic with our full, scientifically-vetted procedures. 

For all money issues, questions, comments or to discuss the Due editorial process — Please contact us HERE.

About Due’s Editorial Process

We uphold a strict editorial policy that focuses on factual accuracy, relevance, and impartiality. Our content, created by leading finance and industry experts, is reviewed by a team of seasoned editors to ensure compliance with the highest standards in reporting and publishing.

CEO at Due
John Rampton is an entrepreneur and connector. When he was 23 years old, while attending the University of Utah, he was hurt in a construction accident. His leg was snapped in half. He was told by 13 doctors he would never walk again. Over the next 12 months, he had several surgeries, stem cell injections and learned how to walk again. During this time, he studied and mastered how to make money work for you, not against you. He has since taught thousands through books, courses and written over 5000 articles online about finance, entrepreneurship and productivity. He has been recognized as the Top Online Influencers in the World by Entrepreneur Magazine and Finance Expert by Time. He is the Founder and CEO of Due.

About Due

Due makes it easier to retire on your terms. We give you a realistic view on exactly where you’re at financially so when you retire you know how much money you’ll get each month. Get started today.

Editorial Process

The team at Due includes a network of professional money managers, technological support, money experts, and staff writers who have written in the financial arena for years — and they know what they’re talking about. 


Due Fact-Checking Standards and Processes

To ensure we’re putting out the highest content standards, we sought out the help of certified financial experts and accredited individuals to verify our advice. We also rely on them for the most up to date information and data to make sure our in-depth research has the facts right, for today… Not yesterday. Our financial expert review board allows our readers to not only trust the information they are reading but to act on it as well. Most of our authors are CFP (Certified Financial Planners) or CRPC (Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor) certified and all have college degrees. Learn more about annuities, retirement advice and take the correct steps towards financial freedom and knowing exactly where you stand today. Learn everything about our top-notch financial expert reviews below… Learn More