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Building credit early with Ambition Card

building credit early

The journey to financial independence is a marathon, not a sprint. It requires a keen understanding of financial principles, discipline, and a proactive approach to managing money. This guide provides a comprehensive roadmap on how to be financially savvy in your teens and twenties, focusing on the importance of building a strong credit score and how to achieve it.

Understanding credit and its importance

Credit is a critical aspect of financial health. It’s a measure of your trustworthiness as a borrower, and it impacts many areas of your life. Your credit score, a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, can influence everything from the loans you qualify for to the apartment leases you can secure and even the house you may eventually buy. Therefore, starting a solid credit history early in life is crucial.

Building a solid credit score while in college can lead you to success. It’s a proactive step that can open doors to financial opportunities in the future. But how can young adults, especially those in their teens and twenties, safely and easily build a positive credit history?

Building credit with the Ambition Card

One of the ways to build a strong credit history is by using a credit card responsibly. The Ambition card by College Ave is designed to help young adults make a positive credit history. It’s a unique financial tool that combines a credit card’s convenience with a debit card’s discipline.

The Ambition card allows you to transfer money from your existing checking account onto the card. This amount sets your spending limit, ensuring that you don’t overspend. This feature is particularly beneficial for young adults still learning to manage their finances and avoid the pitfalls of credit card debt.

Every on-time payment made with the Ambition card is reported to the three credit bureaus. This reporting helps build a strong credit history and improve your credit score over time. It’s a practical way of demonstrating financial responsibility and establishing a positive credit history.

Earning rewards with the Ambition Card

In addition to helping you build a strong credit history, the Ambition card also offers the opportunity to earn cashback and rewards. This feature adds an extra incentive to use the card responsibly and regularly. It’s a way of getting more value from your everyday spending and saving money.


Building financial savvy in your teens and twenties is crucial to achieving financial independence. It involves understanding the importance of credit and taking proactive steps to build a strong credit history. The Ambition card by College Ave offers a practical and safe way for young adults to make a positive credit history and earn rewards. It’s a tool that can give you a head-start on your financial future.

To learn more about the Ambition card and how it can help you build a strong credit history, visit Start your journey towards becoming financially savvy today and set yourself up for a successful financial future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is credit, and why is it important?

Credit measures your trustworthiness as a borrower, impacting many areas of your life. Your credit score can influence everything from the loans you qualify for; the apartment leases you can secure, and even the house you may eventually buy. Therefore, it’s crucial to start building a strong credit history early in life.

Q. How can I build a strong credit score while in college?

One way to build a strong credit history is to use a credit card responsibly. The Ambition card by College Ave is designed to help young adults build a positive credit history. It’s a unique financial tool that combines a credit card’s convenience with a debit card’s discipline.

Q. How does the Ambition Card work?

The Ambition card allows you to transfer money from your existing checking account onto the card. This amount sets your spending limit, ensuring that you don’t overspend. Every on-time payment made with the Ambition card is reported to the three credit bureaus, helping build a strong credit history and improve your credit score over time.

Q. Can I earn rewards with the Ambition Card?

Yes, in addition to helping you build a strong credit history, the Ambition card also offers the opportunity to earn cashback and rewards. This feature adds an extra incentive to use the card responsibly and regularly. It’s a way of getting more value from everyday spending and saving money.

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Wealth Expert at Due
Jeff Rose is an Iraqi Combat Veteran and founder of Good Financial Cents. He teaches people wealth hacking. He is a frequent on CNBC, Forbes, Nasdaq and many other publications. He is author of the book “Soldier of Finance: Take Charge of Your Money and Invest in your Future” where he teaches how he escaped from $20,000 in credit card debt to a life of wealth.

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