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Blog » Personal Finance » Gender Pay Gap: What Jobs Really Offer Equal Pay?

Gender Pay Gap: What Jobs Really Offer Equal Pay?

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Most logical people would argue that two people doing the same job should earn equal pay, but we know that is not always the case. In many roles at many companies, women are paid less than men for doing the exact same thing, which is known as the gender pay gap. While we know this is wrong, a number of professions actually do offer gender pay equality. If you want to know what jobs have successfully removed the gender pay gap, follow along to learn more.

How bad is the gender pay gap?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that, on average, women make 83 percent of what men do across all industries. The worst profession for women is in the legal industry, where women make a little over half of what men earn. Sales, security, production, and personal care professions all offer women 25 percent of what men earn, or worse.

In fact, according to the 2016 report (based on 2014 data), there was no industry where women made as much as men for the same job. The best was construction and extraction related jobs, which offer women 91.3 cents for every dollar male counterparts bring in.

But it is not all doom and gloom. Researchers are working on understanding causes of the gender pay gap and identifying solutions. But in the meantime, there are some great opportunities out there where women do get their fair share, according to BLS data from 2016.

Industries with equal gender pay

The 2016 BLS study found that on average, women make 82 percent of what men do on average. But a few jobs stood out where women make equal or more than their male counterparts. Women workers for the win! Here is a list of professions where women can expect equal pay, with data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

Occupation Women’s earnings compared to men’s
Sewing machine operators 111%
Combined food preparation and serving workers 106
Teacher assistants 105
Counselors 102
Transportation, storage, and distribution managers 100
Stock clerks and order fillers 99
Physical therapists 97
Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks 97
Receptionists and information clerks 97
Advertising sales agents 97

While these jobs may not all be the most desired in the world, there are some great professions on here with solid earning potential. For example, the average physical therapist makes $85,400 per year (2016 BLS data). That is a great income level no matter your gender. If you are trying to overcome a gender wage gap, the small 3 percent gap isn’t a huge hurdle to overcome.

Combat the gender pay gap in your business

If you are a male and lead an organization, do your part to promote gender pay equality. You have access to all data and have the power to instantly solve the gender pay gap in your business. Of course, that does come with some costs. But these are costs that should have been happening all along! If you already offer fair and equal pay among your employees, kudos. You are doing the right thing.

If you really want to make a difference as a man in business, start a business and ensure fair pay practices across genders. If you are a woman, consider starting your own business, as women-owned businesses are often quite successful! And if you are not a business owner, be an outspoken advocate for equality in the workplace. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and this problem won’t be solved in one. But with a long-term focus on fixing the gender pay gap, a solution is attainable.

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Personal Finance Expert
Eric Rosenberg is a personal finance expert. He received an MBA in Finance from the University of Denver in 2010. Since graduating he has been blogging about financial tips and tricks to help people understand money better. He is a debt master, insurance expert and currently writes for most of the top financial publications on the planet.

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