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Blog » Retirement » Do you have what it takes to be a coach?

Do you have what it takes to be a coach?

inner entrepreneur

If you’re looking for a way to diversify your income, coaching is one area that can present a lucrative opportunity. Coaching is something that anyone can do. I find that people can be fearful of dabbling in coaching because they believe they need to be perfect before providing it. Perfection isn’t necessary. What is necessary is having the ability to take clients from where they’re at to where they want to be. If you can make this happen, you can be a coach.

Results Are What Matter

You have what it takes to be a coach if you can deliver a desired result. Coaching clients come to you because you learned or achieved something they want to learn or achieve as well. This is how some business owners fall into coaching unintentionally. People see what they’re doing through social media or in person and constantly ask how they do it. Why not turn that knowledge into an additional income source?

It seems the market is bursting at the seams with business and marketing coaches which could give you the impression that that’s the only thing to teach. It’s not. You can teach clients anything that you know. It can even be something more unique like hair braiding, singing, instrument playing, or parenting teenagers.

Think of what you can teach (ideally related to your current business) and then sell prospects on the results that they will get from working with you. Your job is to deliver the results you promise. This can be done through a group or one-on-one coaching program.

The service format you choose to offer can be completely client directed where you answer their questions or it can be more of a step-by-step program designed by you.

Listen and Then Listen Some More

Keeping your ear to the ground and seeing what potential prospects are asking for will help you create an offer that people actually need. 

Different coaching clients require different coaching methods. Some coaching clients are doers. They take your advice and run with it. Others need a little bit more handholding, accountability, and direction. You have what it takes to be a coach if you’re a good listener and are flexible.

Cut Your Teeth With Free Sessions

How do you get started with coaching? This is the million dollar question. If anyone has asked you for advice related to your special skill, circle back to them and let them know that you’re now open for coaching clients. Make it known on your website, social media profiles, and email signatures that you coach.

Gather the testimonials you do have for social proof. Put a few written or video testimonials on your site. Offer a few free sessions to people if you haven’t coached anyone yet. Reach out to your most engaged email or social media followers to see if they’ll be willing to work with you in exchange for a testimonial.

Final Word

Coaching is one area of business that isn’t for everyone. If you’re passionate and knowledgeable about a topic, share what you know and help others.

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Personal Finance Writer
Taylor K. Gordon is a personal finance writer and founder of Tay Talks Money, a personal finance and productivity blog on hacking your way to a happier savings account. Taylor has contributed to MagnifyMoney, The Huffington Post, GoGirl Finance, Madame Noire, and The Write Life.

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